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I look into his eyes , a frown appears on my face as I scoot backwards eventually hitting the car door , he is moving closer. "S...stay away from me." I say I kick my legs for him to move back but he grabs them and pulls them towards him. My body is know underneath his , chills run down my spine , that night in the van , those memories come flooding back into my mind. "It's just you and me" the words echo through my ears. I close my eyes and I feel his wait come off me. He laughs , and gets back into his driver seat turns on the engine and continues to drive.

I see another police car pass us , that's why jack didn't do anything to me , that's why he just carried ok driving.
The rest of the car journey was silent. Once we arrived at the warehouse , large electric gates opened , the last time I was here , I was toured , I quickly look at my stomach , you can see the thin outline of the words Ethan , I cry. I can't do this , my life was so simple , so normal until Ethan and Grayson come along. I wish Ethan never came into my life. My life would hurt a lot less. Even though I had amazing times with Ethan , even though I love him , I wish he never entered my life , and I'm sorry Ethan , because I never got to say goodbye.

Jack drags me out , my eyes are puffy and my hairs a mess , my outfit is ripped and my heart is Broken. We enter the large open room. Grayson greets me at the door. "Hello Paigey" He says. "I think we need to do some explaining, don't we" he smiled , jack lead me to a room , it looked like an interrogation room , it had a simple chair and a desk , the walls where painted a light egg shell colour and the floor was white tiles. The desk has a lamp on it , the only decoration was a simple painting of  the warehouse . And a large window , that you couldn't see out of. He sat me down on the chair , Grayson stood in front of me. "W..why was you not in prison. Why was Ethan in there." I slam my handcuffed wrists  on the table.

"Well Paigey , get comfortable , it's a long story." He says smiling.

"Well I've have a feeling I'll be here a long time so go ahead" I say leaning back on the chair.

"Well it all stared when I kidnapped that bitch Julian , she was a double agent and they fucking tracked her down to my old warehouse , which mysteriously burst into flames." He says laughing.

"Then I got captured , you where against me in court and I knew with all the evidence that I was sure to get the death penalty, so I sent Ethan to kill you , when Ethan saw He well ... he fell in love if you wanna put it that way. He told me he killed you but he didn't." He says shaking his head.

"How did you find out I was alive?." I say. "Well let me finish and I'll tell you." He says clearly getting pissed of that I interrupted him. "Carry on" I say.
"Thank you , so anyway , my girlfriend Olivia came and told me that she saw you and that you where alive , I was so angry that I sent her to kill Ethan and bring you to me because obviously I couldn't because I was in prison , so she went and places a Bomb on Ethan's car , but that fucker didn't die so she cut his oxygen tubes and he still didn't die , I gotta give it to him he is strong , just like me, I am the younger twin but that doesn't matter." He says laughing.

"I thought Ethan died at the hospital." I say. "No I just had my men bring him to me, I needed you so I 'killed' Ethan so you would come to me , because with Ethan 'dead' there was nothing left for you there , so with Ethan with me I asked a few of my men to go get you , but jack well he kinda took it to far." He says laughing.

My eyes water at the memories. "All my men where busy , and I found out that Kian and Nate told there girls about the gang , so I told jack to go and kill them if they didn't agree to join there gang , but of course they did" he's smiles and picks up a gun and inspects it.

"So once they brought you to me , I had to teach Ethan a lesson , to not lie to me , so I hurt what he loved most , you . But when you escaped I knocked you out and that's when I made everyone tell you that nothing ever happened , that you just dreamed it all, I told your asshole boss to make up a story and tell you that you was in a coma , and nothing ever happened and that Ethan never excited , everyone you know was in with it." He says proud of himself.

I sit there silently taking it all in.
"So I made sure you still was against me in court and Ethan was better after about three weeks so I used my connections to put Ethan in prison and get me out , we look the same so no one suspected a thing , once you noticed that it was Ethan in court and not me , it was up to you to choose whether Ethan got the death sentence, and as I thought you blamed it all on the victim , your own client, but Ethan still pleaded guilty, because he didn't want to put you in more danger , he didn't want to lie , he took responsibility for MY actions , pretty stupid actually." He finishes. Part of me thinks it's stupid , Grayson would never do that for him , but the other half of me admired him , he didn't want me in more danger , he wanted to give Julian's family closure , with getting killed , Julian's family can move on , but they can't because the wrong twin is going to be killed.

"So that brings us to now , Ethan is going to get the lethal injection tomorrow at 3:00pm and you are gonna join my gang." He says pointing the gun at me.

"And if you refuse , then I guess I will have to torture your little friends, kaydi and Leo is it?" He raises his eyebrows.

"F....fine" I say not really caring at all how my life turns out , it's gonna be pretty shit whatever happens.

"I'll join your shitty gang."

So I hope this chapter wasn't confusing , is it was please ask me questions that you don't understand , love ya xXx

Mwah 💋 xoxo

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