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I woke up wrapped in Ethan's arms. Boii I could get used to this as I think to myself , I smile "good morning beautiful" He says looking at me , I smile back and yawn , causing him to yawn. I didn't want to get up but I guess we had to pretty soon.

*bang , bang , bang* the sound of gunshots filled our ears. Me and Ethan looked at each other and quickly got all of our stuff together. After about 3 minuets we where done. All of a sudden there was a constant banging on the door. "Paige climb out the window" he looked at me pushing me towards the window. "Our the window" I whisper shout. He didn't reply he just bridal carries me and jumps out the window with me in his arms.

He quickly chucks the car keys at me , I run and find his car , once I found it I start the engine and drive to where Ethan is , I go to get out the car but Ethan instructs me not to. I just sit in the car useless while he loads the car with our suitcases. He comes to the driver seat motioning me to move , so he can drive. But more gun shots where heard Ethan ducks down and gets in passenger seat "drive" he says. I push my foot down on the exhilarator and we skid off. More bullets where fired , they rebounded of the car making a pinging sound.

I take a sharp left then a right then another right , I just follow Ethan's instructions for about 45mins until we get to a gas station. He gets out the car and fills the car up with diesel while I go pay, my belly rumbles , I pick up two chocolate bars , a share bag of crisps and a bottle of water. I go and wait in the Queue. I look up to the tv.

20 year old Paige Ellis has been missing for 24 hours. She has been put on amber alert. She is 5,7 with blonde hair and blue eyes. A picture is shown on the screen. "Next please" I hesitantly walk up to the cashier. "Ermm , these please" I hand her the Items. "Any fuel" she says chewing gum loudly af. "Y ...yes number 3" I give her the money and take the receipt I quickly put my head down as I leave the store.

Ethan's leaning on the car, the sun is shining right in him like a spotlight , his hair is floppy over his face . I look at what his wearing , he's wearing shorts and a t-shirt. "Oh shit" I look down and realise I was wearing night clothes. I walk quickly to the car embarrassed.

He smiles and jumps into the drivers seat I hop in and place the food in the middle compartment next to the gear stick. We sit there in silence. "Paige , baby are you okay." I can't help but blush at his last comment. "Eth I umm I'm on the news." I say my lips trembling. He just closes his eye and smacks the stealing wheel. He opens his eyes and lets out a little sigh. "It's okay. It's going to be okay" he says driving out of the garage. When we get on the main road he places his hand on my thigh , I feel his whole body relax as he does so.

We talk about lots of things , life the whole lot , I ask him why those guys where after us and I ask him why he took me but he just simply says . "Soon Paige , I'll tell you soon" he gives a reassuring smile. I just have to trust him. "Okay" I say. "Im sooooooooooooo hungry" I say emphasising the o so he gets the point , all the snacks where devoured , but it was dinner time and we had been driving all day, but I didn't mind it because I was with Ethan.

"Hey there a diner about 2 miles away do you wanna stop there" he asks raising an eyebrow. "I thought you would never ask" I say batting my eyelashes , he laughs and we continue chatting away about meaningful shit.

Once we arrive and I open the door , I can smell the food. Ethan chooses us a booth and we sit opposite each other. A perky waitress comes over and gives us a menu. "You can pick whatever you want babe" He Says , tucking a stray piece of hair behind my ear.

Ethan orders pineapple pizza and a Oreo milkshake his inner child showing through , I ordered burger and fries with a cheery coke. "I'm glad you didn't order a salad" he says I juts laugh. Once our food comes he looks at me and just stares at me. I look up "w...what" I say chuckling. "Nothing , it's just , well you look like a child on Christmas morning when that food came out" he laughed , I narrowed my eyes "ha ha very funny" I say sarcastically.

Once we finished our food, I needed the bathroom. "I'm just gonna go to the toilet" I say . "Okay stay safe" he says I turn around "what I'n the bathroom" I say "yer you never know you could fall down the toilet , it happens more than you think" he says now laughing hysterically. He holds his belly in erge to stop himself. I enter the retro themed bathrooms , Elvis is booming out the speakers. I do my business and head out , I walk over to the booth , Ethan's not there . I turn around in hope to spot him , I can hear my heart in my ears , it feels like it's about to explode.

I feel a tap on my shoulder , god I hope it's Ethan I turn around and a group of boys with sports jackets on look me up and down. He puts his hand in his jean pockets . "You look a little lost baby girl, you need some help" he says smirking , the rest of the group follow.

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