Backstage Secrets.

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You were tired, it would only just stress you out more, but Tom wanted to go public with you so badly. He didn't care, why should you? You took a deep long breath and slipped your fingers through his, "Let's go public, baby."
Tom gave you the biggest smile, "Really? Are you sure?"
"No, I'm not sure about it. But if you don't care, why should I stop you? We'll get through this together."
Holding his hand tightly, you both descended the stairs and you could see the flashes of the cameras before you even walked out the door, "I'm with you, (y/n)."
You felt the adrenaline rise from your feet to your cheeks as the waiter opened the door, everything felt as if it were in slow motion, you felt like it took forever to take your first step outside and you clung to Tom's arm as you both stepped outside. The lights were blinding your (e/c) eyes and you put a hand up to block out the lights.
"Wait! that's his assistant, Amelia James!"
"Nope, just (f/n, l/n)."
"Are you two dating?" another photographer.
"what do you think? You catch us at The Lion and you ask a stupid question like that? Of course we are dating." you snipped at the paparazzi. Flashes of light cascaded one after another, "Shall we give them the satisfaction?"
"Oh yes." you replied.
You both kiss in front of the press and then took a step forward to the annoying camera vermin, "Can I have some silence please?!?"
The flashes just kept coming, "Excuse me!" Tom yelled. His shout was so loud it even made you jump a little, "She has something to say to you all, so stop your clucking!"
At once the press lowered their cameras and devices to hear her, "You greasy wind bags wont make victims of us, you had your pictures taken. Now go."
"Uh, darling. That isn't going to work on them. they've got you now. You need to distract them."
"Oh. Alright then, make your phone ring."
"Ugh, never mind...hang on." You dipped your hand in your purse and pressed the send button, knowing who you called last. "What did I tell you? Go on. Shoo!"
Tom's phone rang and answered it, "Hello."
"Its for me." you mouthed indiscreetly. Tom caught on and handed you the phone, "Its for you my dear."
"Hello? Oh Keira!"
"Keira Knightley?" a voice in the crowd asked.
"Keira, how are you?" you pretended. "Well, of course we will meet you at Maxi's for a drink. We haven't seen you in a long time...Yes, we're on our way. Bye love."
You hung up the phone and looked at the crowd, "I guess we will see you all at Maxi's."
The press rushed out into the streets to get to their cars and Tom stared after them and then looked at you.
"Where did that come from?"
"Thinking on my feet."
"But, I'm the actor. You pulled that off so well."
"And I think they still believe that I'm still your manager or they wouldn't have bought that trick."
"Clever, clever lady you are." he leaned in for a kiss but you took off your shoes and ran to the car, "Hey!" Tom laughed out as he chased you to the car.
"But clever lady, I haven't given you my kiss yet."
He backed you up against the car and your bare back to the clod glass made you shiver. "You look tired my love."
"Yes, it was an eventful day."
"Lets go home."
"That sounds good to me."
Once you both pulled into the driveway, Tom came round and opened thee door, he leaned down and swooped you up in his arms...the right way this time, "Darling-"
"Shh. None of your back talk my little dove. Your day is almost to an end. Let me finish it off." he carried you into the bedroom and sat you down. You kissed his nose, "Thank you."
"You are most welcome." He said kissing your shoulders. You wanted so much for him to keep going... "My dear, I'm quite tired."
"I know. Lets go to bed then my love."
So you both dressed and plopped into bed, "I wonder if Keira is going to say when we lied about her being in New York."
You both burst out laughing until you fell asleep.

You woke up the next morning and you rolled over to see Tom's sleeping face. You slowly crept out of bed and started making coffee. It was your turn to treat him today and you honestly had no idea what to do for him. You knew he liked Shakespeare and tennis, but what could you do from the heart?" In your deep thoughts of the plans for the day, the phone rang, "Hello?"
"Didn't I make it clear that you were not supposed to get involved with any of the visitors in the theater?"
"Yes, mam. I understood that."
"Well apparently you didn't because I see you kissing Tom Hiddleston on the television screen."
The stage manager huffed out a breath of anger.
"I know this seems very hard to believe, but he wanted to be with me."
"Do you honestly think its going to last? Tom is a very busy actor, he has to fly all over the place for premiers and shows. This is just a fling, (y/n). He's not going to stay in New York forever. What are you going to do when he leaves?"
You stood in the kitchen quite dumbfounded at what she said. What happens if Tom breaks your heart when he leaves.
You looked over at the exhausted man who was still asleep in your bed.
"He's hired me as his assistant."
"For how long, (y/n)? the very reason why I tell you stagehands over and over again not to get involved is because I've seen them in tears thinking that the actor loved them, made them feel precious and beautiful. You're just another fling with him. I don't want to see this happen to you, you are such a great person and friend. Stop this before you regret it."
She told you the stories behind Tennant and Benedict and many others who decided to get involved with the crew. Once she thought you had enough, She hung up on the other end and a sickening feeling bubbled up from your stomach. A fling? You? It couldn't be, no. not you. He said he loved you, he said he'd take care of you.
You heard Tom stir in the bedroom and he walked into the kitchen, "Good morning darling." you stood there frozen as he kissed your forehead.
"M-morning." you tried to keep from sobbing. Tom swung around and looked at your devastated face.
"What on earth happened? What is wrong? Tell me."
"I just got off the phone with my boss."
"Did she fire you?" he asked.
"That wasn't what the call was about surprisingly. She told me, the reason she doesn't want people involved with the actors is because they leave them in the dust. All of the other actors left the stagehands in tears when they left, never called. They never heard from them again."  Your face was streaming in tears now and you head ached with racing thoughts.
"What are you saying, (y/n)?"
"I'm not saying anything, I'm asking. You offered me a job to be your assistant. To leave my home and everything I know be with you."
"Yes, I mean it. Do you not believe me?"
"Tom, just please tell me you're not like David, who promised a girl everything and then turned around to marry Georgia instead. My boss told me everything, Tom. She doesn't want me to be hurt either."
You started to breathe heavily, and Tom led you to the couch, hoping to help you stay calm, "Tell me you are not like Benedict who decided to go on a date with the set director and never showed up because his model girlfriend was in Time Square. Don't do that to me."
"(y/n). I am so sorry. I had no idea that happened, I'm close friends with them and they never told me." Tom was shocked. He didn't know what to say,
"I will be completely honest with you, (y/n). When I met you, I liked you. You were timid and responsible. Respectful and trustworthy. You don't see that all of the time in show business. You kept saying to me, 'celebrities are people too.' Unfortunately we forget that we are sometimes."
"I'm listening."
"I know you are, you make eye contact and your ears perk up slightly when you listen to me."
"Stop it." you blushed.
"When I met you, I was reminded that I am a person and that no amount of money or fame can change that... I love you. I admit that I have done some stupid things in the past, but I'm human-"
"Do you want to be human with me? Don't cheat on me, don't mistreat me. If you ever do, which I doubt will ever happen. I will be the one saying goodbye. Not you."
"Fair enough. I promise that I wont do that to you."
"You haven't given me any reason not to believe you either." you took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, its just everything she told me made me feel so horrible."
"Don't feel horrible, my dear. I know you are just trying to guard your heart. I'd do the same too."
"Thank you."  you reached for the remote and turned on the television. "It turns out we are the talk of the town." you switched it to the news, "Tom Hiddleston was spotted at The Lion last night with his mystery woman, who is now revealed to be (f/n, l/n). A stage hand at the Lotus Theater in the heart of New York."
"How about that, they do know who you are."
"Like it matters now. I'm no longer a stage hand, so it will make the press look like fools when they keep spreading that."
"The stage hand tried to quiet the press to scold them, in a failed attempt. Looks like Tom has quite the firecracker on his arm for now."
"Ooh! Fire cracker you are." he said pulling you closer to him. You kept listening to the news, it wasn't over. Not by a long shot.
"Witnesses from the press say that she has quite the mouth and ill mannered nature towards the press. Take a look at this clip." They showed the video of you bashing the press in the hallways of the theater a couple of days ago. You couldn't help but laugh, this was amazing. Tom hugged you tight joining in the laughing, "Look at you! You're on television. Fantastic!"
"I never thought it would feel like this. This is too awesome." you laughed.
"The woman fired at the press, even getting them to stop flashing cameras and shouting just by her insults. We're here with a couple of guests who would like to talk about her behavior."
"I'm being evaluated? Too good to be true."
"First of all, I would like to point out that fans will do anything to get close to their favorite celebrity. It doesn't matter how high and mighty she makes herself. In the end she is just a crazy fan." A fat man sat with the anchor adjusting his suspenders.
"A crazy fan she might have been but she did date this man, they were found at the diner and they kissed in front of the press. I like her." a skinny blonde woman interjected and the fat man scoffed.
"This woman has lied, made an alias and distracted the press from finding where they were going to afterwards. I smell a rat."
"The only reason you think she is a rat is because she didn't give the press what they wanted out of her. She's clever, she knows that Tom wants a private life with her so she decided to trick them. The press are monsters and will tear celebrities lives apart just for a quick buck, and she knows this."
"I like this lady. Its so weird that someone defends me  and they don't even know me."
"I know. it's a pretty cool feeling."

Tom HiddlestonXReader: Painted Heart. Where stories live. Discover now