Toasted (for Meerkat_loves_you)

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Requested by Meerkat_loves_you

"Y/N! You're going to be late!"

"Coming!" you called over your shoulder.

You quickly swiped your brush through your hair a couple more times before tossing it aside, not bothering to see where it landed, before making a dash out the bedroom door.

As you ran down the hallway, you raked your hair up through your fingers while trying not to slip in your socks and fall onto the hard-wood floor as you did so.

Successfully reaching the end of the hallway on two feet, you slid around the corner and into the sunlit kitchen. Twisting your hair around into what you hoped was a decent-looking messy bun, you removed the hair tie from its usual perch on your wrist and secured it all in place atop your head.

"There she is," said Will with a smile, glancing over at you as he cracked an egg into the hot, cast-iron pan on the stove.

"Good morning, Will!" you responded brightly, kissing your boyfriend lightly on the cheek, broadening his grin, before yanking open the refrigerator door and removing the almost-empty carton of orange juice.

"So, what happened to you?" he asked, his back to you as he added salt and pepper to the frying egg.

"Oh, you know me," you responded, shutting the fridge door hard with your hip. "I must have turned the alarm off instead of hitting the snooze button. Then I, uh..." you chewed your lip absentmindedly, "accidentally fell back asleep..."

"Aaaah," Will responded in his usual, care-free way, clearly not as concerned with your dilemma as you were. Easy for him, he still had another forty-five minutes before he was expected on set of The Maze Runner.

You stared at him now as he removed a spatula from the nearby drawer. Will's training for getting in shape for his role of Gally had been intense, but (even beneath his thin t-shirt) the broadness of his back and shoulders, and the clear definition in his arms was proof that he had been working hard. He looked incredible; it was impossible not to notice.

You blinked. "What was I doing?"

"A glass," he responded, twirling the spatula in his hand before flipping over the half-done egg.

"What?" you asked, then looked down at the orange juice carton in your hand, now beading with condensation. "Oh yes, a glass!"

Spinning around, you opened one of the cupboards, leaning over the counter and standing on tip-toe to reach one of the glasses on the upper shelves. Your fingers managed to brush against one, and just as you were sliding it toward you, a sharp, shrill BEEP! sounded right beside you.

You shrieked and jumped backwards, just as the glass tipped off the shelf and shattered into glistening shards across the wood floor.

Will spun around, spatula in hand, a startled expression replacing his usually-goofy smile. His goofy, perfect smile.

You let out a breath, a hand still raised to your throat, trying to calm the rapid pounding of your heart. You were now extremely grateful for the socks you were wearing.

"What happened, are you okay?" he asked, eyes scanning the floor, the shattered glass, and you all at once.

"I'm...fine..." you managed. "I'm fine..."

Seeing this, Will's rigid posture relaxed a bit, then his mouth twisted suspiciously and he quickly ducked his head.

"Will?" you asked disbelievingly. "Are you laughing?"

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