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You don't know happiness until you hear voices cascading around you.

Rising and falling in unison, melded together like they were never apart.

You raise your voice to the melody you've always known, the babies just learning the words, old voices singing like it's engraved in their hearts.

Our voices rise and dance, twist together above us.

Sunbeams break through the dome to fall on our heads. Day darkens and pulls away, but our faces, our voices glow with the light.

The highest voices like wind, the lowest like waves, all around like the birds who knew. To fly and spread their hearts in the sky.

We spread our hearts to the sky, like painting the world. Smearing our unity onto the canvas we were given, the brightness in our eyes reflects in our tune.

We sing of praise, of love, of one. We are together in this way, under our dome under the sky. We throw our praise, hoping it is caught by the world we adore.

We sing together, all the voices we know, as different as can be and yet, we fit together like the piece we didn't know was missing. We sing together in harmony, in love, and we know this tune.

We know this tune, and we will never let it go.

This is happiness, you see. Peace in our voices, spiraling in our light. Not perfect by far, but beautiful nonetheless. We are together. We breathe, we sing our voices in love to the sky.

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