Chapter 19 - Unusual alliance

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I stepped even deeper, finding myself staring eye to eye with the most gruesome creature I have ever seen.

I gasped, as I fell backward, burying my nails in the ground I pulled myself away from the giant beast.

It resembled a massive black panther, only its skin was covered in scales instead of fur. The creature's eyes were silvery, with multiple little black slits in the middle.

I screamed in fear as it slowly stalked forward, fully revealing its head. The panther had a mane around its long neck, similar to a lion's, although it was a growth of silver rattlesnakes. Their bodies dangerously arching backward, ready to pierce my skin with their venomous fangs. The mighty beast took a step closer to me, its claws burring into the dusty ground. I felt the ground vibrating beneath me with every step it took. The monster raised its head, roaring loudly, revealing its snake-like fangs. As it nervously paced around me I noticed it had a rattle on the tip of its long black tail.

I had nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. I was trapped.

I pressed my body against the fence as tight as I could, sharp wires piercing my skin. The beast must have smelled the blood as it became crazed with hunger, saliva dripping out of its mouth.

"No! Please!" I begged it even though I knew it didn't understand a word.

All of a sudden it charged towards me, its claws missing me only by an inch. I dropped on the ground, covering my head. Its jaws snapped above me and if I wouldn't have moved in time, it would penetrate my skull.

I moved fast, sliding under the beast I evaded another possibly deadly bite. I ran around it, jumping on the fence. As I gripped the wires tightly, I propped myself upwards. I roared in pain as its claws sliced through my back, but I didn't stop as I climbed higher.

The beast didn't leave me alone, climbing right behind me, it pulled itself upwards with its sharp claws. It shocked me when I saw it was almost faster than me. The injury on my back was already healing, but it still stung, slowing me down considerably.

I realized I won't evade the beast so pushed myself off the fence in a backflip, landing on my feet.

There was no choice but to fight back. The monster dropped off the fence, sprinting towards me. I ran by it, grabbing its scaly flesh I propped myself on its wide back. As I straddled the monster it roared in agitation, snakes on its neck snapping to reach my face. I truly hated the thought of hurting it, especially when I was the intruder in its habitat. But then there was no way I am going to die today.

I grabbed my daggers, but hesitated, as I didn't want to stab it. The beast figured out my intention, knocking me off its back. I rolled on the ground but swiftly stood back up. I inched towards the fence, protecting my back, cursing inwardly as I saw the beast has pushed me into the corner, entrapping me.

My survival instinct kicked in and I felt veins spreading on my face, manifesting me into my true form. My vision sharpened as I sensed the body heat of the beast, nearing towards me. I bent low roaring with all of my might.

The beast suddenly stopped, taking a step back from me.

I watched it in awe, not understanding what was it doing. It stared at me for a while, snakes wiggling on its neck.

I growled once more, revealing my sharp teeth.

And then happened something unimaginable. The mighty beast lowered its head, respectfully bowing to me.

"What the hell?" I whispered, staring at it suspiciously.

But the beast's head remained lowered, its eyes turned towards the ground.

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