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"Stop pulling on my hair!!"

"No" jungkook kept pulling jimins hair with his crusty hand full of candy and some other stuff.

"Stop whining like a little girl~" taehyung wrapped his hand around jimin rubbing his head.

"IM BEING HARASSED" jimin pushed both of them away.

"HEY! Stop fighting back there" Namjoon raised his voice making the boys flinch.

"We're here" jin sighed and got jungkook out of his seat.

"I thought we were going to the park?" Taehyung had a confused expression on his face.

"Yeah me too" jimin pouted.

"We came to visit your grandparents" Namjoon was smiling, though he was very nervous, he didn't know how his parents would react. Jin was nervous as well, to be honest he was used to the comments they would make about him.he was more worried about the kids, he didn't want them to insult them.

Namjoon and Jin both walked to the door with the kids around them and knocked the door. Not too long, a women opened the door.

She eyed the family with a funny look on her face.

"Oh you're here..Come in" the woman opened the door and they stepped in.

"I see you two actually did get kids..., funny how they allowed that" The woman eyed the kids in disgust.

Jin and Namjoon were feeling uncomfortable.

"Mom please don't-"

"No no ,im being calm" she faked smiled and took one of jungkooks hand.

"May I hold him?"

"Sure.." Jin handed jungkook to namjoons mom.

She then walked over to jimin and taehyung.

"What's your names"

"Im taehyung" taehyung half smiled, he could feel the uncomfortable feeling filling up the room.

"Im jimin" jimin gave a sweet smile to the woman.

Namjoons mom patted jimins head. Then kneed down to taehyung.

"Wouldn't it be nicer to have a mom and a dad?"

Taehyung didn't know how to respond to that.

"No. We love our dads" jimin spoke up and smiled at her.

The woman just stared at jimin. "You know-"

"Mom could you please stop with the stupid comments" Namjoon was mad by now. He tried not to show it too much. Jin was trying to keep his temper down.

"You know your dad had a Girlfriend , I think it would be cuter if you were with them instead of that bitch over there"

Jin was now done with keeping his temper down.he grabbed jungkook out of Namjoons moms hands.

"We're leaving" jin grabbed taehyung and jimin.

"No you're going to hear me" Namjoons mom blocked the entrance.

"If my son wouldn't have met you he would've married that beautiful girl and have kids on his OWN you CAN'T give him KIDS"

"WHY CAN'T YOU FUCKING BE HAPPY FOR ME ONCE" Namjoon was now furious now.

Jin was staring to tear up, not because of her words but because the kids were hearing all of that. he felt embarrassed.

Jimin looked up at jin and was staring to tear up now too. Taehyung just kept looking down.

Namjoon pushed his mom out the way. "Go get inside the car"

"YOURE NOT GOING ANYWHERE RUN LIKE A COWARD YOU ARE" namjoons mom kept trying to break out of namjoons hands. Jin just kept walking out of the door without saying anything.

Namjin familyOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora