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"Dad!" Sarada who just came back from her mission proceeded to where Kakashi was, at the hospital. It was already dark, he was about to sleep when his daughter entered the room.

"Sarada... I'm so sorry." Kakashi apologized, thinking it was all his fault.

"No, dad. It wasn't your mistake." The teen clenched her fists in anger. "That fool! He must've casted this on her, didn't he?" A nod was the man's only response. "Does Kaishi know?"

"No, I couldn't tell him." He looked at her face. How could he unveil such truth to their little innocent son.

"I see. Hokage-sama told me you were here and so I decided to see mama... Do you have any idea what sort of genjutsu this is?" The girl inquired, very much curious as to why this occurred.

"Neither. Investigation is still on process though however we are pretty much certain that your father–"

"You are my father." Not wanting Kakashi to point out the truth.

"Sasuke, rather, knows what's going on... And that he gave me two choices." Kakashi paused for a while before revealing this to Sarada. "Kill her and she shall be happy in their own world or bring her back but make her forget about everything we've been through, forget about me." Even he hasn't decided himself.

"And have you made your choice?"

"No." He admitted.

"That's great because... I think he's lying." Sarada adjusted her glasses and moved closer to her mother. Kakashi stayed calm and quiet, curious about her theory. "As long as we have her physical body safe, there's nothing he can do about it... That's why he wants us to kill her with our own hands which leaves him and us with nothing. The second choice is technically impossible in my opinion. Selective removal of memory is nearly unreachable unless he's some sort of god... Even an alternate world is impossible for him to create. This is a whole hoax. I think she's just under a very deep and formidable genjutsu. Wherever he is with mama, it's practically an illusion... Torturing her by playing tricks on her mind. After finally having her heart, that's when he'd let her free, wake up and eventually... Mama would... come back to him." A drop ran down her serious face as she held Sakura close. She grew up being less intimate with her mother which she found awkward. Yet that is what she regrets now for not showing the pinkette her daughterly affection.

Such a smart child... Why haven't I thought of that sooner? Where did all my intellect go? Perhaps, flushed along with all the Sake, Hatake. Kakashi was stunned upon hearing his daughter's observation. He was naturally a smart man and that he argued within himself for not thinking rationally after being in the verge of despair. "Sarada...", faint sobs gradually resounded. The teenager was crying with her face buried on her mother's shoulder. As a father, Kakashi hated seeing Sarada like this even if he was practically just a substitute, they were family. "I'm going to find Sasuke."

The girl lifted her head promptly after hearing his statement. Looking at his masked face to see if he was joking or some sort. "D-dad... Are you serious?"

"Do you think this is some kind of joke?" He bluntly responded.

Wiping the tears from her eyes and rubbing her glasses clear, she declared. "I'm coming with you."


"Naruto, I must do this." The copy nin insisted. It was a spontaneous decision he could not go wrong with.

"Sensei, it's a quarter to midnight and you're asking me to let you leave the town NOW?" The Hokage was not confident about sending Sarada and Kakashi out at this hour, truly both are talented ninjas yet he couldn't risk the two to face the Uchiha.

"Please, Hokage-sama. Mama needs us." Sarada pleaded with the most convincing puppy eyes that could make anyone give in.

"Oi, what's with the face? Anyway, if you have to so badly..." Kakashi and Sarada patiently waited for the continuation. "...Go on." A bright light glistened upon Sarada's eyes but before she could react, Naruto added. "But..."

"What is it, Hokage-sama?" The young lady impatiently inquisitive as to what the conditions were. "...I'm coming too."


"Hokage-sama!" Kakashi and Sarada uttered in unison.

"You have a village to take care of, this is between me and my family,  Naruto." Kakashi explained, more like asking the Hokage not to tag along as it would be better to have him in the town.

"I'm family too! Dattebayo!" As usual, the Uzumaki was unfazed by whatever precautions his former Sensei had for him. The blonde man chuckled, "I know a Hokage must stay in this boring tower and make sure the Leaf's safe, Kakashi-sensei, however this matters to me as much as it does to you. Sakura-chan and Sasuke-teme are family to me." The Rokudaime remained silent as he processed the words of his student. He's right.

"...Hokage-sama, I understand that but aren't you too tired after working all day?" Sarada's just like her mom, ain't she? It's the same concerned and caring attitude she's inherited from the pinkette.

"Nope, not at all!" The confident Hokage stood from his seat and stretched both arms. "Hold on, I'm just going to get myself ready and we'll leave."

"No." Kakashi flashed causing the other two pair of eyes to gawk at him in confusion. "You haven't had enough rest, Naruto."

"Relax, sensei! How many times have I told you that I can do this, believe it!" Insisting as he walked towards the door, as if on cue, dizziness struck him and fell flat on the floor. Must've been too stressed after all those paperwork, who would've known that paperwork was all that it takes for the powerful Naruto to be defeated.

"Hokage-sama!!" Sarada quickly jogged to where Naruto was while Kakashi sighed, telling himself that some things never change and Naruto will always be Naruto who learns the hard way.

"Let him rest, we'll leave by dawn. " He declared.


A/N: thank you for the votes ♡♡♡ and I'm sorry I haven't updated this story in quite a long time now. I promise more Kakasaku moments in the next chapters!


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