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"You're home." A raven haired man stood at the door frame before her, he seemed to be waiting for her to arrive.

"Sasuke-kun." It disgusted her, the endearment was hard enough for her tongue to pronounce. She stared at him for a response, afraid that he'd blast his anger against her. Unusually, he smiled.

"Sakura, I prepared breakfast. You must've been tired after all the work you've done overnight." A sense of guilt hit her as he said those caring words. Although it was unlikely for the real Sasuke to act like this.

"Anata, I'm sorry—"

"No, it's my duty as a husband." Sasuke explained, placing his fingers on her forehead. "Dummy." He giggled at Sakura's stunned reaction.

"Right." She faked a laugh and entered the house. Her husband remained leaning on the doorway, ogling her back when she walked past her. I didn't know your office seat was that dusty, Sakura. Tch.


"I must leave now, I'll be late." Sakura reasoned, resisting his actions. He gripped her forearm and buried his face on her neck.

"Sakura..." His cold voice with the air from his nose sent shivers down her body. "You don't have work today." She jerked lightly, have I been that distracted that I forgot what day it is today?

"Ah- Sasuke-kun, I have to buy groceries–"

"I already did." This time, he glared at her trembling expression. "Why don't you want to do it with me, Sakura?"

"Do what, Sasuke?" Acting brave and innocent. Perhaps the man was fed up of all her excuses by now, after all he was her 'husband', thus having the right to ask for pleasure.

"Nevermind." He turned away then sighed, leaving Sakura alone. "You must be tired, have some rest, my wife."


Kakashi finally decided to visit her hospital room. She was laying peacefully asleep. Her features was still as beautiful, however due to inadequate nutrition she might not last long. In which, he should make his decision as soon as possible. "Sakura..." He called while holding her hand tightly. "I miss you already, y'know... If you're here, you would've whooped my ass for drinking all day and night. I'm sorry about that..." Letting out a small chuckle, he knew Sakura doesn't want him lonely too. "My Icha Icha books ain't paradise without you... And Kaishi and Sarada misses you, I'll do my best, okay? Just... Hang in there."

"Kakashi-sensei." Naruto suddenly entered the room. "I-I'm sorry, I thought there was no one in here."

"It's okay." He wiped the tears from his eyes so the dobe couldn't see. "Do you visit her often?"

"Mhm. I'd fit her in my daily hectic schedules." Naruto admitted.

He still cares for her... Kakashi nodded lightly as a reply.

"Sensei? H-have you decided yet?" Although the Hokage worried about bringing up the subject, it was needed.

"No." He gripped harder on Sakura's hand.

"You can stay the night here if you want... I'll take care of Kaishi for the meantime." The younger man suggested, seeing his sensei lovelorn like that hurt him as well. "...and maybe you can make your choice."

"Please do so."


"Sakura... I missed you already, y'know..."

This voice... It's so familiar. Heart beating rapidly that it would jump out of her chest. Kakashi, it is. How could I even forget his deep alluring voice.

"...If you're here, you would've whooped my ass for drinking all day and night. I'm sorry about that..."

What? Oh, my silly husband... Of course, I'd forgive you... Perhaps I may have even drank more than you did.

"...My Icha Icha books ain't paradise without you..."

Are you saying you threw those pervy books away for me? Kakashi... You didn't have to–

"And Kaishi and Sarada misses you, I'll do my best, okay? Just... Hang in there."

I miss you—

Then everything vanished when a voice interrupted.

"Sakura... Sakura... Wake up. It's already past noon, you haven't eaten your lunch yet." Sasuke was stupid enough to unknowingly break her fantasies.

"Mm." Her eyelids still shut yet awoken from her long nap. "What time is it?" What kind of a moron are you, you should've just let me sleep, damn it, Uchiha.



Now, sitting on her seat at the dining table, she stared into space. I heard him, didn't I? It was him, right? Or perhaps, I was only dreaming... Again.

"Do you like the food?" Disturbed by the Uchiha the second time today, she was far from pleased. "I figured it was your favorite... So I cooked you some." Just as she found out, she was taking bites of her favorite dish... But food didn't taste as delectable without her other half with her in the table. So she lied.

"Mhm. It tastes great." She plainly affirmed with a blank expression. As she finished the meal, Sakura headed to the sink to wash what she used.

"Is there something bothering you, Sakura-chan?" Her so-called husband asked out of nowhere while wiping a plate.

"No, not at all, Sasuke-kun. I'm sorry that I turned you down lately, I wasn't feeling see." Honestly, the pinkette was a tad guilty but only the slightest guilt one could feel. Needless to say, she had to play along or Sasuke might kill her then she wouldn't find the love of her life.

"It's alright..." He smirked at her. Sakura gave him a confused look when he ambled towards her back. "After all, you seem to be full and well. I believe we can do it now." Sasuke placed the plate down the table and started creeping his hand on the kunoichi's bare shoulder.

"S-sasuke..." Her body trembled in disapproval, she absolutely despised the man.

"What reason do you have this time, Sakura?" His fingers crawling under her arm, then around her waist, tugging the small woman onto his chest. "You're all mine." Everything in this void is controlled by him except for her and her mind. Therefore, no external distractions. If this is the what takes for him not to kill me... Then I shall let him... But only this time. Only this time, Sasuke.

Forgotten Love [ K A K A S A K U ] ( Love Me Harder Sequel )Where stories live. Discover now