“Well sweet thing what shall we do?” she cooed in my ears seductively. I shifted and flashed her a smile, something I hardly ever did, yes I laughed but smiling was almost fully alien to me.

“Why not eat? I am just starving….” I answered in an old soap opera voice that usually belonged to the over dramatic curly hair blonds with red lips in long white dresses. Jess laughed so hard she choked on her saliva, not very gracefully I might add. I shook my head and went along with her to the lunch line while she rants about Shakespeare, who she thought had a horrible idea of love.

“I mean! Why must they die? Romeo and Juilet shows just how hard it is to survive during love! Nope not for me… Let me not even start on that idiot Macbeth! Omfg!!!” she paused shortly to order and then allowed me to order before going back to ranting and raving. “Ok let me get this straight some witches, not fairies, not prophets, not oracles, BUT WITCHES comes up and say you are going to rule suddenly you get mad with power BEFORE YOU GET THE POWER!!! How stupid is that! What the hell was he even thinking!! Trusting witches...” I lifted my hand to her mouth and covered it since she went higher during her anger.

She however being the graceful sister she is continued speaking behind my hands and it came out so muffled I couldn’t even tell what she was saying. I began to laugh at her when she finally stops and I removed my hands. She flashed me a smile and we made our way to a bench in the far back.  

 We ate our lunch in peace and I continued to listen to her rant about things I had no clues what she was yapping about half of the time but I agreed and disagreed with her just the same. I wanted to be like her, it was obvious she had other friends, but she was always there for me and always made time for me.  

We went to pick up Shana at school she met us outside nursing a small wound on her hand, Jessica immediately began to treat it. “What happened?”  I asked my voice void of all emotions as I cocked my head. I naturally had a rather monotone voice, even if I was concerned, my face and voice was normally black. Only Jessica could bring me back into that smiling and emotion showing person, I think it was a twin thing, not that I didn’t love my sisters because I did, Just wasn’t sure how to show it. I once tried to smile at Hana and she panicked in shock wondering if I was sick, didn’t try again after that.

“A guy said I had a weird family…” Shana was saying through fresh tears Jessica began cleaning as she continued to cry and speak “and we were freaks because……because we…because we live in the woods and daddy marry mommy….and…and…” she gave Jessica a pleading look as if to confirm if he was right but Jess shook her head and smiled cupping her chin and she continued settling down now. “Because mommy is still 14 and Rave’s twin and Rave is my sister. I got mad and he…” before she could finished her sentence a red head woman in a short dress and fiery blue eyes came charging out the school doors charging towards us dragging a small child with her hair and freckle face behind her.

She came to a holt in front of us dragging the child to her side. Jessica held Shana to her legs protectively as she stood. The woman pointed an accusing finger at us “Your bratty sister punched my son in the nose…”

“Your bratty son insulted my family and is lucky he survived…” I deadpanned giving her a over look and shrugged unimpressed. She looked like she would implode and Jessica lifted Shana so she wouldn’t be able to hurt her if she decided to attack us. She rocked Shana as she child watched me in awe.

“You little bitch! How dear you speak to me like that! My son is only telling the truth about you freaks! And your freaking father is paying for Jr. medical expenses!” she growled viciously.

At the mention of my father Shana paled and fidget ready to wail again in the horrific fact that dad would know of her actions and probably punish her. I kept my face blank and tilted my head to look at Jessica who sighed. We both know very well if dad gets involved into this it’s going to be very ugly however I went into my pocket and took out a card with our address and gave her. Jessica went to speak but she already dragged the paper from my grip almost giving me a paper cut before she stormed off.

Rose sister series Book 1 - Raven's SorrowWhere stories live. Discover now