He loved me so much that he let me go. He loved me so much that my decision was his. He love me so much that my happiness meant world to him.

I always see hurt,pain in his eyes but I couldn't do nothing. I wished I could do something and everything will be like before but no nothing was in our hands. Fate had it's plans and we have become puppets of it.

Our fate has played it's cruel game and got us separated. Time,fate and situations had played their part well and made our love lose and they won.......

I tried to put my all emotions locked and face the reality......the reality of my life that I am married now and I should fulfill my duties of being a wife.

I saw pain and hurt in his eyes whenever Sid holds my hands,whenever we are together talking or whenever we go together to home and whenever we behave like husband and wife but It hurted me thousand times more to see him go through all these.

Me and sid mostly behave like Friends but not like his husband and wife. We may behave in front of the world like before my parents,friends that we are husband and wife but truly there is nothing like that between us.

Whenever Sid tried to come close to me I felt uncomfortable. Even though I tried hard not to push him away but I feel helpless. Whenever he is close to me all the memories of armaan and me flashes back in my mind. Pain,hurt,guilt and a flick of all emotions come into me and It ends up pushing Sid away from me.

Although our lives are complicated there was always a relief for me that armaan is in front of me Hale and healthy . But now he has gone far away from me and I don't even know where he is and how he is.

My heart aches thinking about his well being and I don't want him to hurt himself. I hope he is okay wherever he is.

I didn't realise that tears are flowing from my eyes until my vision of seeing moon got blurred. Seeing moon always reminds me of armaan. It feels like I am seeing him and talking to him. Then I myself found talking to armaan looking at the moon.

Where are you armaan?

How are you?

I hope you are okay

I don't know what i am feeling right now armaan.......

I miss you so much.......

I still can't digest that you left........once again.

But also I know that whatever you do it is for me.......

I have no complaints........

I just want you to be safe and alright wherever you are........

I am sorry armaan......

I am sorry for everything you have to go through because of me.......

You were right armaan......you were right that.......
.....I locked my heart, I have built walls around it to get myself immune and protect from all the emotions like pain,hurt,sorrow and most importantly love..........

You were always there in my heart.......

As I didn't realise that I locked my heart with you inside it.

I didn't realise that I couldn't remove you from my heart.

I didn't realise that if I need to move on in my life and give Sid place in my heart then I should first remove you from it.

Thinking of removing you for my heart and give your place to someone else is itself shattering my heart.

I couldn't do that armaan not before,not now and not in future....... never ever.

I have built walls so that i can lock those feelings I feel for you and the pain I feel for you.

But you breaked my walls armaan, you opened the lock and entered into my heart once again

You didn't do anything intentionally but unknowingly you captured my heart once again,you made me feel all those feelings once again infact more than before.

Eventually by some situations and some events I realised that.......
........ I still worry for you,
I still care for you,
I still have feelings for you,
I still feel possessive about you,
I fell for you again and this time more deeper and deeper,
And I finally realised that.......

.......I STILL LOVE YOU ARMAAN........

I denied and conflicted myself that I don't love you anymore with my stubbornness and behaved like I moved on but no Armaan no........

I couldn't move on from you

I couldn't get over you

I couldn't forget you

I love you

I love you Armaan

I love you so much

I couldn't stand anymore,I couldn't deny anymore, I can't fight with my feelings and myself anymore..........

I love you........

I felt weak in my knees and fell down on my knees crying.........

A sudden wave of air is blown on me tingling my body making me to shiver and look at the moon.

It looked like I am talking to armaan and he is listening to me......

This always has been relief for me whenever I talked to moon assuming as talking to armaan.

I stood up wiped my tears as I know armaan hates seeing me crying and a smile appears on my face thinking of him.


Little did she know that at the same point and at the same time ,at some other place Armaan is also watching the moon with tears in his eyes and smile on his face.

He also feels that riddhima is talking to him as his heart beats faster and wind blows which makes him shiver.

He smiles and says looking at the moon...........

.............. I LOVE YOU BASKET.............


To be continued.............

Actually I didn't plan to write this chapter like this.

I don't know why but I wanted to write things on riddhima's perspective in this chapter.

And so this chapter is in riddhima's point of view.

I hope you all like it.

Love AR.

AR - MEANT TO BE TOGETHER💔💓❤️💖 ✔️Where stories live. Discover now