Chapter: 35

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Jungkook's POV'

I was sitting in my office scrolling through my gallery looking at photos of Nev and me. A smiled was plastered on my face all this time.

I have been so happy with her these past few weeks, as I have never been in my life ever.

She really did changed me, and I'm glad she did, at first I thought it was really annoying and she was just waisting her time as it wouldn't work at all. I was stuck on staying how I was.

But she saw something in me, she had the urged to change me, it made me feel overwhelmed that she saw good in me as no one else did.

And I don't blame them as to why they gave up, I was so stubborn on staying harsh and cold. I blocked all the feelings away from me and build this cage around me that I plotted to never break it. Ever.

But when she came in my life, she was determined to break that cage down and let me live freely again, and to move on.

She is right, I have to accept the past and move on with it. I cannot push my past away or avoid it, I was doing that and that is how I ended up being so harsh.

Rather than pushing your past away, you should keep it with you accept it and live with it, I took her advice and it worked like a charm.

I am happy with everything I have, I am happy with my life my family my hyungs and most especially my lovely girlfriend.

I became so obsessed with her, I needed her with me every second of my day, she made me feel safe, calm and at ease. I became so addicted to her smell it was like oxygen for me.

The way her smile makes my heart flutter and my heart to do a crazy dance, as she becomes happy everything is right for me.

I feel uneasy when she becomes too touchy with hyungs but I deal with it, I still need to give her her space. As she gives it to me.

I needed her in my life more than I needed myself, I don't know what I
Would do if she left me. I may end up in a mental hospital.

I keep holding onto her so tight I am afraid she will fly away like feather, I was so afraid I feared the feeling of being alone again.

She was a drug that I was addicted to. I love her. With all my heart. And I am waiting for those three words to come out from her mouth desperately.

I finished scrolling through the pictures as they have been finished, I looked through those same photos more than 7 times. It's time I get some work done.

I was signing some papers, as the office telephone rang, "Yolo" I said playing with the pen between my fingers. "I need you to come to my office" It's dad.

I sighed and stopped signing the papers stood up and walked over to dads office, I could here good afternoon here and there as I greeted them back.

I turned a corner as I met a chest full of boobs, Jihee.

"Oh well hello mister" She said as she played with my tie, her perfume is hurting my nostrils, I might lose my sense of smell.

I Repectfully yanked my tie back, without answering or greeting her back I just passed her and fast walked to the office.

I can't believe I kissed that mess, I knocked on the door and entered after I heard a faint "come in"

"Wassup dad?" I asked as I picked up a bag of  peanuts from the table beside me.

"I found a new P.A for you" He informed turning around facing me face to face.

My eyes slightly widened in surprise, my attention now completely on dad. "But I don't need one, dad" I said slightly annoyed by the thought of a new secretary.

He sighed "Son, you are gonna be the next owner of this company, I am retiring really soon, you need a P.A as your work will increase, I want you to be comfortable with your P.A as she will be permanent. You know how hard it is for me to search a secretary for you, you are very picky, and your last P.A quit so I have no other choice to pick her" My dad informed massaging his temples.

I felt bad that he was really pressured because of me being so picky, how bad could it be to have a new P.A I just have to professional. But dad did mention it was a girl.

"Okay, but who is she?" I said frowning as my dad sighed. "You won't like her but I have no other choice. Please come in"

My body stiffen as he said I won't like her, I am having a bad feeling about this. Please don't tell me it's her.

And it's her, she smiled at me smugly while walking towards the table and sat across from me.


"Dad really" I whispered while I looked at him with wide pleading eyes.

"I told you, you won't like her" He said while his attention was focused on the she devil herself.

"I am really happy that you chose me Mr. Jeon" She kept pushing her boobs up as she was wearing a push up bra, dude my dad is here what is she even thinking.

I looked down now stressed out myself, I am 100% sure Neveah is not gonna like this news at all.

"Well I am not" I whispered to myself, she looked at me glaring as she was telling me to zip it. Oh heck no. I don't give to shits my dad is sitting here so.

I showed her my middle finger which shut her up completely. Surprisngly my dad didn't say anything and just pretended that he didn't see that.

She scoffed and rolled her eyes, while cleaning her nails, I cringed at her disgusting self.

I stood up fed up with her attitude so I just exited the office and I walked towards my office, wishing she won't follow me but of course fate is playing games with me she was just behind my heels.

"Go get me some coffee" I said waving her off, wanting time to myself, how am I suppose to tell this to Nev.

"Excuse me" She said standing high and tall all to confident, maybe a little to much.

"What, your are my secretary, this is what you do, obey me, did you think this was a way for you to get close to me well you didn't think this plane through you still are my servant who will follow my orders, now go on I have more tasks to give you" I waved my hand shooing her away.

Her shoulders slump down and the confidence leaving her body like the waste material in her body.

I smirked and picked up my phone, I can't believe she is gonna be permanent. But I got bigger problems now, should I tell her on the phone or face to face?

I'll just text her, I don't want to see her face in anger as she kicks me out, that literally is the last thing I need right now. I was typing away when. I got an
e-mail on my computer, well there you go, more work.

I guess it's face to face then.

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