Chapter: 37

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Neveah's POV'

I was laying down on my bed in my vulnerable self, crying my eyes out, I have not been getting much sleep since the fight.

It has been 2 days since I last saw Jungkook, he has not been messaging me nor calling me and to put the cherry on top he has not been picking up my calls and neither messaging me back.

My hair is a mess, heck I am a mess, I can't control myself from not crying, it's like all of my pain goes away when I cry but comes back either way.

I have not been attending my shifts at the bubble tea shop, but luckily the owner is a good person and is giving me sometime off.

Mia has been helping me too, I know she is not a very sentimental person but she is still helping me out and I really appreciate that.

She has been here living with me for the past 2 days and her company is really helping me out.

Heard a knock on the door, I let out a faint come in as Mia came in, "oh come on you're crying again" She said folding her arms.

"I can't help it okay, how do you expect me to behave when my boyfriend possibly have indirectly broken up with me" I complained while whining and wiggling on the bed.

"Nev, stop acting like a baby, why don't you just go and talk to him" She sat beside me on the bed.

"It's not that easy, what if he shuts the door in my face, or says that I don't wanna talk to you, the possibilities are I am a coward" I gave her a sheepish smile.

She rolled her eyes at me and pinched me in the arm "hey what was that for" I said rubbing my pinched arm. "For not realizing you love him" She said with a 'duh' face.

I choked on nothing and looked at her wide eyed "what!?!" She rolled her eyes once again, I am guessing it's a ritual now.

"Oh come on Nev, if you don't love him than why do you care for his feelings that much, why are you so scared that you're gonna mess up when you confront him, I've seen you with him, you are so much more confident and comfortable around him he makes you happy, and when something goes wrong you want to make it right for the sake of Jungkook, you would do anything to see him happy, this not just liking a guy it's love Neveah, you were just to blinded by your assumptions, you were just to scared to let it out, you were thinking about love with your brain, but love is not something that you should think about you should feel it with your heart and you're not doing that at all, you're pushing your feelings away" She finally caught her breath and looked at me fare and square.

I am completely astonished by her so touching speech, I didn't expect her to come up with words that are other than insults and roasts, but I was completely wrong Mia is very wise and considerate about her words, and that's very impressive.

Mia is right I have been thinking about love with my brain, but love is not something that should be thought about, I have been thinking about my decision and I was doing wrong, I should've listened to my heart and accepted my feelings for Jungkook and just let it out but I didn't do that I was coward.

"Now grow some balls and get your man back" And she's back.

I smiled softly and hugged her really really tightly "sorry pride but my best friend needed me" My face fell and I slapped the back of her neck real hard.
"Ow, what?, I have never been this cheesy in my life before so that's why I had to apologize to my pride" She said rubbing her neck.

"Whatever, I need to go take a shower before I visit Jungkook" I said getting up and fixing my pajamas as they were tucked in some places that they were not suppose to be tucked in. Oh gosh I am so gross.

"Yeah you should, I think I lost my sence of smell" She said closing her nose with her finger and waved her hand side to side as it will 'make the smell go away.

I ignored her and went to shower, oh I hope I still have a chance.

● ● ●

I was in Mia's car driving to the Jeon's company, it's Monday today so he is probably working in his office.

I parked my car in the parking area, and got out and I to the elevator.

My hands were all clammy and sweaty, I was so nervous I would mess this up so badly that he wouldn't even look at me.

I reached his floor and took slow steps to his office, to buy some time for myself and figure out what the fuck to say, I seriously came so unprepared guess I was just to excited.

I got some interesting choice of words from the people who were walking behind me as I was walking really slowly myself. But literally that is the least of my problems here, I wanna make up to my boyfriend. Our relationship was on the line.

I just ignored the hateful comments and continued to take small steps to his office.

After 3 whole minutes of walking like a turtle I have finally reached my desired destination.

I knocked on the door three times as the last time didn't go so well, I didn't heard a response so I just walked in.

The scene was really really familiar to the last time I walked in, last time was just Jungkook whom I had feelings for but didn't really confessed was making out with a bitch I wasn't really familiar with, but this time it was my boyfriend who I just realized I loved is making out with my arch nemesis who is a slut.

And this make out setion which was happening before my eyes is much more powerful than the last time. The universe is against me.

My knees felt week to the brim, I felt paralyzed I was not able to function right nothing came out of my mouth.

You know what hurts more than me catching my boyfriend cheating on me with a girl he knows I don't like, is that he knows I am here he noticed I am standing right before them as he glanced at me and kissed her even more harder, he was making out with her while looking at me in the eyes.

A boyfriend was making out with another girl in front of his grlfriend that he knows is present in the room. Yeah thats fucked up.

Is this some kind of revenge he is taking on me, as I hurt him unintentionally as I was completely lost in my own complicated feelings, it's not my fault I hurt him, it is not my fault my brain is fucked up. I didn't want to hurt him it just happened.

Maybe this whole situation was an accident maybe she kissed him and I walked in on him on the wrong time, maybe there is still hope maybe this is all just a misunderstanding. But he is kissing her back.

Why just Maybe.

This is not an accident this is not a misunderstanding, I can see it before my eyes Jungkook wants this he wants Jihee and not me.

He is much more passionate with her than he has ever been with me, he wants jihee not me.

I do have a right to ask why is he doing this?, what is the reason?

"Jungkook what are doing?" My voice finally come out but so vulnerable and weak but it was loud enough to end their never ending make out setion.

"Kissing my fiance duh!"

● ● ●

Cliffhanger y'all.

**evil laugh**

What's gonna happen next.

Happy ending or not?


My Ice Cold Boss|| Jungkook ff [Completed]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ