Chapter: 18

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Neveah's POV'

What he said next shocked me.

"You are only mine, and I will make sure of that" he said and fell asleep instantly.

My heart is about to pop out of my chest, what is up with my heart, stop it.

What the hell.

But the real question in my mind that is buging me is.....did he really mean it?

What the fuck, why am I thinking that, I shouldn't even care, he is drunk and he just said it not meaning it.

But that thought makes me very sad, why?

Ugh, since I met him and step into this house.

I feel all mushy inside when I am near Jungkook.

These freaking butterflies never leave my stomach when he does stuff, and when we have our moments, not that I am complaining.

I feel so happy when I see him, every single day.

I feel a burning sensation in my heart when I see him talking to other employees, of course girls.

Especially that bitch Heyjin, she flirts with him like 24/7 and I don't like it one bit.

Just always feel like I should be the only girl talking to him, I know possessive but I don't control these feelings they just occur in me.

It confuses me, what does these feelings mean?, I am dying to know.

Do I perhaps like him?

Well all this simptons do happen when someone like an individual, I have seen these in movies too.

So maybe it is true.

Oh my god, I.....I like Jungkook.

But its not even confirmed, that what he said earlier was sincere.

Does he likes me back?, that doesn't matter.

What the heck am I saying, of course it does, a lot.

I will feel hurt if he doesn't likes me make, of course it will.

And plus why should he like me back, I am just a Secretary.

There is no suitable reason for him to like me, like none.

But the thought of him not liking me back keeps me uneasy, what more keeps me uneasy is not confessing.

If I don't take an opportunity that I have right now to confess, this thing will eat me alive.

I don't wanna spend my life saying "if I would've just done this or if I would've just done that" I don't like feeling regretful.

So this is probably the craziest thing I am gonna do by far here in Seoul.

I am going to confess to Jungkook about my feelings tomorrow.

And I promise I will not chicken out, I hope I can keep that promise.

                          •  •  •

Next morning:

Today is the weekend, FINALLY!!

I looked at the clock situated on my beside table it was 10:00 AM.

I yawned and stretched and all that good stuff.

I walked towards my CR and took a nice shower, did my skin care and brushed my teeth.

After all that, I walked in the walk in closet and wore my cotton yellow shorts, and a hot pink tang top.

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