Chapter: 30

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Neveah's POV'

I ran out of the building and towards the bus stop next street.

I cannot believe Jungkook did that to me, now it's my turn to feel used.

I sat in the bus, and looked out the window trying to get a hold of myself.

Control your tears, you can't let yourself feel that you're week.

And all that motivation went flushing down the toilet when I felt a tear escape.

I broke down into a fit of tears, this past few weeks have been heartbreaks and heartbreaks.

I just can't handle all of this, if my heart keeps receiving this kind of abuse it will forget how to love.

I wiped my tears over and over again but they just kept coming over and over again.

It was like a never ending waterfall.

I felt the seat beside me being taken. I didn't even bother looking I had more important issues to look after.

The bus came to a stop and I walked over this person's legs and hoped off this bus.

I walked to my apartments building thinking about my broken love life, when I had a feeling of being followed.

I didn't bother looking back and just speed walked to my destination, we had tight security over the building so when I reach there my phobia of getting followed would bare down.

I quickly entered the building and let out a huff of relief, I put a hand over my chest and walked over the elevator.

I entered my apartment and threw my coat on the couch and went in my room to change into my PJ's.

I heard my laptop ding implieing I had a new e-mail.

I walked over to it hoping it's for a job interview or something.

I saw 4 e-mail's from different places offering me a job, I excitedly open the first one.

And it was from a club, yes I also applied in a club because they were looking for a DJ.

But I don't feel like it anymore so I declined and moved on to the next one and it was from a boutique, they were hiring for a sales girl.

I didn't decline it yet but moved on the next one. It was from my favourite bubble tea shop, I was surely going to accept this one but not before opening the last one.

And it was from the Jeon company. What the heck do they want now?

I opened it and it was an apology letter, but why is it from the companie's e-mail address.

Dear Chipmunk,

I know you don't need an explination but I felt like to give you one, I just really didn't want you to feel used.

It would be pathetic of me to explain and apologize here so please give me a call or call me over at your place.

Yours sincerely,

Sexy-hunk-irresistible-wanna devoure-soon to be boyfriend.


Seriously this guy would never stop ruining everything, literally he will say something really meaningfull and then end it with something super cocky and arrogant.

Or something utterly ridiculous and stupid.

But what he said, he felt like giving me an explination, as to why I caught him sucking off that hoes face.

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