Chapter: 5 [Edited]

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Neveah's POV'

I walked downstairs with Jungkook infront of me.

When we reached the table, I saw perhaps Mrs. Jeon, she was really pretty and elegant.

She was going in the kitchen and coming back again bringing different dishes each time.

This would be a whole lot easier if they had maids.

I wonder why they dont though.

When she was finished putting the dishes, she sat in between Jungkook and her husband.

So i was sitting across from them.

This was quite awkward for me, and i didnt want to break the silence maybe because i would blabber something that should not be told to the outside world and just kept inside of me.

Then, Mrs. Jeon, suddenly asked, "Um, may i ask your name?"

I nodded and said, "Neveah Williams."

She smiled and nodded.

Then we started eating.

Controll yourself Neveah please dont make a fool out of your self and eat like a pig.

This is not your house please controll yourself.

I kept on telling myself that.

I was just eating, and my kimchi finished so i wanted to take some more so i grabbed a bowl that contains kimchi, but then i accidentally spilled Mrs. Jeon's water on Jungkooks food.

I widened my eyes and the only thing was on my mind was that, i am domed.

I apologized several times and even bowed but he just glared.

He got a new plate and started eating again.

I sighed in relief and thought maybe he wont do anything because his parents are here.

But then..

Suddenly, Jungkook ''accidentally'' spilled his water on my plate.

I said sorry didn't I?, then why?

I frowned, i hate it when people disturb or ruin my food.

Bitch, never mess with me when i am eating. Never.

I sighed and mumbled "game on" then i also ''accidentally'' spilled my wine on his food and said.

"Opps, sorry, my bad" i said and went back to my food that was not drenched in the water.

I was expecting his parents to glare at me and give me looks that say 'how could you', but instead they were giggling together.

Then this time Jungkook is the one who's jaw is dropped, he was looking at his parents while shaking his head. Somewhat Disappointed

Then he spilled his wine on both of their plates.

They looked up at him.

And gave him a playful look.

And the next thing you know is......we are having a food fight.

This was so fun.

I had never had this with my family sometimes they were so busy that me and Yoongi had to eat dinner alone.

Then for the first time i see Jungkook smiling, his smile was so contagious that i smiled too.

And now we are covered in food.

To be honest this started because of me but i did it accidentally not on purpose unlike Jungkook.

We finally stopped, Jungkook was still smiling, his parents noticed and looked at him shocked but smiled too.

He realised it and quickly stoped and excused himself.

I made eye contact with his parents and i just smiled sheepishly, but they just gave me a reassuring smile.

We all went to our rooms to take a shower, finally I was nice and tidy I brushed my teeth and did my skin care, and wore my pajamas.

I sat on my bed, thinking what to do now bcz it was still early to sleep it was just 8:00.

Then I remembered that maybe Mrs. Jeon probably needs help so I went downstairs and saw she was still getting started.

I sighed in relief, I was feeling bad because I kind of started it so I wanted to help.

"Hello, may I help you?" I asked.

She looked at me and smiled and nodded.

I happily smiled.

"Thanks" she said.

I looked up at her and shook my head, "its fine, it was kind of my fault"

"Oh no, not about that, about making us smile and having fun, and most especially making my son smile in so long"

She said while stop wipping the table and looked at me who was wipping the washed dishes.

Wow they are really serious about him acting so rough.

But I didn't think that he acted that way with his parents  too.

I kind of feel bad for them.

But what is the reason behind that, I am just eager to know.

But maybe this is not a good time.

So I just smiled as a your welcome.

We finished cleaning up and she thanked me and I welcomed her again.

Then we all just went to sleep.


Hello everyone,

Hope you are doing good, sorry for a boring chapter though.

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