Chapter 8

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Bonnie was halfway to the studio before she got bombarded with paparazzi and journalists. She shielded her eyes from the flashes of their industrial sized cameras and tried her best to ignore their questions. All she heard was a loud mumble as they all meshed together.

What in the hell was going on?

Normally, she would have a few fans that would walk with her to rehearsal since they got to know her schedule, but she had never had the press follow her before. Shoving her way through the sea of bodies, she tripped slightly. As she tried to find her footing again, she was inches away from falling to the hard concrete before a pair of arms shot out and caught her. Bonnie was pulled out of the crowd of reporters. Her eyes met Castiels for a moment before the paparazzi noticed she was missing.

"Come on," he said urgently and ran with her to his Jeep.

Once they were safely inside, Bonnie didn't have time to buckle up before Castiel peeled out, his wheels burning out on the pavement. She clicked her seat belt finally when they were halfway down the road.

"What the actual fuck was that about?" She shouted and glanced over her shoulder at the mess of people that were running after the Jeep. Normally she would watch her language, especially around Dean, but now was not the time. "What happened?"

Castiel's eyes stayed glued to the road in front of them. He stayed silent and took a right, taking her to the rehearsing studio. The streets were cluttered with cars, so she knew that she was going to be late, but she couldn't think straight enough to care about that right now.

"Castiel!" Bonnie yelled abruptly and turned to face him. The expression on his face took her by surprise. He looked angrier than Dean ever had, but it didn't scare her; what did scare her was his silence.

"Not right now, Bonnie," his tone was clipped, gruff with emotions that Bonnie couldn't comprehend. For now, she was grateful that Castiel was there to save her, or else she would have gotten trampled by the feet of those scum bags. So she kept her mouth shut. Twisting the charm on her choker between her manicured fingers, Bonnie trained her eyes on the passing cars. The silence wasn't awkward, which was odd; Bonnie normally found total silence awkward when she was with someone else. But there was almost an agreement that neither of them would talk until they were parked safely in the lot of the dance studio.

She was already running late, so when Castiel turned the SUV off, she took her safety strap off and turned to him again. They sat in silence still, Castiels eyes darting back and forth like he was looking for the answers to her questions.

This wasn't something that he wanted to tell her himself, but he knew that if he didn't, she would find out from a magazine or the newspaper.

"There's," he started, but his voice failed him. He cleared his throat and tried again as Bonnie's phone blew up. She went to grab it from her bag, but Castiels hand caught hers just in time. "I wouldn't if I were you," he warned, his face grave. His blue eyes looked sullen, and the bags under them indicated that he didn't get much sleep the night before. Bonnie raised her eyebrow and slowly pulled her hand back into her lap.

Castiel took a deep breath and tried once more, "There's about five, maybe six, pictures circulating around the different forms of media today."

He paused and pursed his lips, thinking about what to say next.

Bonnie got fed up with his quietness that time, "Castiel, so help me if you don't tell me what's going on!"

"They're pictures of your fiance and one of his fellow models kissing and getting rather steamy on a beach on Santa Monica. It was a private beach, but I guess some of the photographers out there were scouting around for pictures to sell," he explained and Bonnie's heart sunk into her stomach. A million different thoughts ran wildly through her head. She had to close her eyes to try and think straight. It was something that she expected, but to have it confirmed was something she wasn't ready for.

To Dance (Supernatural AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora