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"Will you make me the happiest man on earth?" Dean was down on one knee, so weak at her feet and pouring his heart out. His eyes glimmered with hope that she would one day be forever his.

Bonnie couldn't stop the tears that began to flow from her brown eyes. She thanked God that she wore water-proof makeup. Speechless, she covered her mouth and nodded her head. Deans green eyes welled with tears as he slipped the ring on her tiny finger, vowing to love her for as long as he took oxygen into his lungs.

He came to her every performance, applauding at the appropriate times as well as throwing her favorite flowers on stage after she took her bows.

Life couldn't have been any better. That was until about four months later.


The newspaper headline read and Bonnie couldn't believe her eyes.

"Who the hell wrote this?!" She yowled and slammed the wadded up paper on her very expensive glass coffee table, causing a crack to split down the side.

Dean Winchester, her fiancé, grabbed it and skimmed along the information, not really caring what the words said.

"Castiel Novak," Dean said and tossed the useless information back onto the half a million dollar table.

Bonnie turned quickly to Dean with a devilish smile playing on her lips, "Well, then I guess we'll just have to make little Mr. Novaks life won't we? Play nice and then take a bite."

(A/N: I'm trying something new with this book. It's an AU and when I am finally finished with it I'm going to change the names and write it all out and hopefully send it into a publishing house. This is something that I really really love to do and this book would have never been possible without the help of 1d5sossupernatural2 , you have helped me brim with inspiration from the very start of Thoughtless; my other novel to those of you who haven't gotten the chance to read it. And the content in this novel is going to be mature so I'm going to have this in the mature section. I hope that you all enjoy and for everyone who has been along for the ride with me since day one, a very special thanks to you. Enjoy. <3 )

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