Chapter 4

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"So you just talked?" Dean sounded dumbfounded. "No arguments or anything like that? What did he say? Did he try to make a move on you? Do I have to knock his teeth into his throat?"

Bonnie shook her head and dismissed all of Dean's questions. She hasn't explained exactly what happened because she knew that Dean would overreact. How could she explain to him that in the few seconds that Castiel had taken her hand it felt like shock waves were being sent through her system? How could she explain that when his lips touched her skin, just for that breif second, she felt as if the fire of passion was licking up her arm and threatening to set her heart ablaze? How does someone explain sensations like that?

Bonnie knew one thing, Dean couldn't find out that she had wanted to see him again even before he had departed. It felt like she and Castiel had known each other for years, or even in a past life. When their eyes first met, she knew that she wanted something with him; friendship, a fling, a relationship. She didn't care, but something more had to be there, otherwise she would go unsatisfied. He was such a handsome man, equally as handsome as Dean was, but she couldn't be sure of that until she acquired more knowledge of Castiel's personality. Looks weren't everything to her. A lot of people would have found that hard to believe, but it was true. Bonnie Winters, professional ballet queen, was about more than just outside beauty. There was nothing new about it.

"Then what happened?" Dean finally asked, frustrated. He ripped his fingers through the hair on his head and sighed out of irritation. Why was it so hard for him to believe that was all that took place in that small coffee shop?

Bonnie thought carefully for a second, she didn't want to lie; there was also a side of Dean that she deeply feared, so it made her feel a little better when she did.

"Honestly, nothing of importance," she shrugged it off again, not telling the whole truth, "he was there with his mother and his little sister. His little sister liked me, so he told her that he was going to take everything back so I wasn't upset." All of the words sounded rushed, but Bonnie didn't want to think about it anymore. Today was her first real day off in a while and she wanted to pamper herself.

"Are you off today as well, my love?" The ballerina asked with somewhat high hopes. Maybe she and Dean could rekindle their emotions through some bonding time and she would forget all about Castiel Novak.

"No," he spat, "I have a shoot that I need to pack for. It's in Santa Monica and we're gonna be staying there for three days."

Bonnie sighed, she couldn't always expect Dean to be home; he was super successful and she was proud of him for it. Just, the people that he hung out with, they were the reason why she was beginning to resent him. They were all massive party animals and it made Bonnie sick to her stomach. She didn't want Dean to be coming into their home every other night piss drunk and high on a new drug that they told him to experiment with. Why couldn't he just be a good judge of character for once in his life? The only time that he ever used his people skills was when he was courting Bonnie.

She felt like she had been all alone for the past six months. Sam never answered his phone, and whenever he did, he would be concerned and rush over to the house. After the visits, Dean would always yell at Bonnie for getting his younger brother involved and he would storm off and get even more trashed than he had before. 

It was a dangerous game, but Bonnie wanted to play it. She wasn't so sure anymore that she knew what to do when it came to her fiance; since his godfather Bobby died, everything had gone downhill with him. It was rough, but Bonnie longed for him to throw himself into his work like Sammy had.

Dean was packed before the sun set that evening. He kissed Bonnie on the forehead and told her that as soon as they landed, he would call. She had hoped for that, but like many times before, Dean would most likely fall asleep before he even turned his phone back on. There was a girl that worked with him that he was suspicious of, her name was Lisa. Bonnie didn't want her mind to go there, but she had always had a bad feeling about her.

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