Chapter 5

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The minutes ticked past as Bonnie sat impatiently in Castiels passengers seat. They had been on the road for at least a half an hour now. The traffic was still horrible, even though it was the wee hours of the morning. New York never changes. The streets were always bustling with life, but it was even more dangerous at night.

Bonnie glanced over at Castiel when he stopped at a red light.

He caught her eye and said, "You can turn on some music if you'd like."

She shrugged and clicked the radio in the dashboard on. Bonnie flipped through all the stations until she finally came to a song that she knew, her hand hovered over the knob as she listened, she would change it in a moment. It was *NSYNC. Dean never allowed her to listen to boy bands around him, but she always had a soft spot for them. She hummed along with the lyrics.

"God must've spent...a little more time..on yoooou," Castiel sang along and tapped the steering wheel with his fingers as the light turned green again.

"No way!" Bonnie scoffed as her heart unexpectedly swelled. She moved her hand away from the radio and placed it on the middle console.

Castiel looked taken aback for a moment, but quickly regained his composure, "What?" He asked and cleared his throat.

Bonnie stifled a giggle and shook her head, "I've never met a guy who likes *NSYNC; I mean, not a straight guy, at least," she admitted.

"Well, I'm not your average guy," he fired back playfully and turned into the parking lot of a run-down diner. "But I'm not gay either." They both laughed. Somehow Bonnie could tell that last part was only a half-truth, but she would never judge someone for their sexual orientation.

Bonnie hadn't been to a diner in years. She and Dean used to go to one that his aunt Ellen owned whenever they would visit Kansas. It was a cute little place, but Ellen's daughter Jo rubbed Bonnie the wrong way. She was always eyeing Dean like he was a raw piece of meat and she was a rabid dog. It was disgusting, they were cousins and she looked at him like she wanted to have babies with him. In-bread wanting little bitch.

"I can see that," Bonnie tacked on and chuckled.

Castiel exited the car and just as Bonnie reached for the handle on her door, it swung open. He offered his hand to her and she rolled her eyes. "You know that I'm not a damsel in distress, right?" She asked, but took his hand and hopped out, accidentally bumping into him. Castiel caught her and grinned.

"You know, for a dancer, I thought that you would be at least a tad more graceful upon landing, Miss Damsel in Distress," he teased.

A fierce blush covered Bonnie's cheeks and she tried to rub it away. "Shut up," was all she could fire back.

"I'm only joking, of course," Castiel amended himself and led Bonnie into the restaurant, their fingers laced together absentmindedly.

Bonnie Winters and Castiel Novak at a diner in the middle of Queens, New York. The man that had ruined her life not even two days ago was dining with her for the second time in twenty-four hours. What were the odds? She watched the way that he interacted with the waitress, how sweet he was and she tilted her head to the side.

"So the usual, Cas?" The waitress asked as she jotted something onto the notepad. Castiel nodded and the server nodded back.

When she turned her attention to Bonnie, she was caught in a predicament; normally she would get a salad wherever she went. Dean wouldn't allow her to eat anything that could potentially ruin her figure. She looked at the menu again, there were so many mouthwatering options. Sighing out of frustration, she shook her head.

To Dance (Supernatural AU)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora