Chapter 11: The Lost Pitch

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Phillip’s Standpoint

                I’ve never been this happy before. Though I had all the good times all through my life, this kind-a feeling is something really special. Maybe, I’m just glad that I and Colton are trying to be friends and somewhat having this brotherhood thing. Well, I can’ deny that I’m that overwhelmed that Jessica finally forgive me from everything that happened. However, it will be so weird if I am smiling like this just because of Deandre’s  ‘big’ surprise?


                Deandre ran into his bag for he seems to be so excited in showing us that whatever surprise if it is really a surprise after all! Then he show it us and Hollie said, “Wow? It is really big?” Deandre exclaimed, “Of course it is! I just have a picture with Ms. Rachel Berry on Broadway? Are you kiddin me?” Everyone seems to feel awkward that I and the other guys almost laughed at him. Then Jessica looked and winked at me as she’s trying to say, “C’mon Phil. Appreciate it.”  Then I just smiled at her and everyone clapped as Ms. Testone signaled to us. I walk towards Jess and whispered, “ That’s weird, right?” Then she chucked, “Phil, just pretend you like it, okay?” Well, she looks cute when she smiles like that. I pinched his nose like I never did before! Then, we both laughed.

                “I’m sorry Ms. Testone!” called Hee Jun who seems to be lost for a couple of days. Ms Testone said, “ Okay, guys wrap time. Hee Jun, you missed the show but not next time, okay?” Hee Jun nodded. I really don’t know why he acts that way. I asked him, “Man, how are you?” Then he didn’t answer and just left the auditorium.

~end flashback

Hee Jun’s Standpoint

                I can’t remember how and why does I feel this way every time I see her! I am so blinded in love. She is so beautiful and I know she’s rude but I just can’t stop dreamin about her. I am right here in the hall waiting for this girl while trying to get her attention and give these flowers to her. She came and I can’t say a word except, “Hi Shann..on.” Then she looked at me and asked, “Are you a gleek?” I replied at once, “Yes! You wanna join too?” Then she smiled, “ Hee Jun, right?” I nodded as if my head’s gonna cut. “Could you do me a favor in exchange of the friendship between us?” asked Shannon. I wonder what will it be and if I could make it. We walked into a corner, under the stairs as if we’re talkin something really serious. “Can you get Jessica out of the club?” asked Shannon. I am shocked that she argued with Jessica that she wishes her to be out of the club. I asked, “Are you serious? Jessica is such a sweetheart.” She replied, “ I gotta go.” I stopped her, “ I’ll do it.”

Jessica’s Standpoint

                Walking alone, well, I’m not used to it. I’ve been looking for Hollie, Skylar and Joshua and yet I can’t find them. I also forgot my cellphone home so I don’t have any idea how to reach them. Someone tapped my shoulder, “ Hey Jessica. Ms. Testone is aking you to get into the ROOM 206,” said Hee Jun? Then I asked him, “Why? I thought there’s no meeting today?” He replied, “I don’t know either.” Then, he left me walking by myself. As I enter the room, I heard a chaos that get my attention to see it for myself. What could it be?

                I saw Phillip, Colton and a bunch of people around them. Well, there is actually a broken trophy and they’ve been asking one another whose fault could it be. Principal FIggins asked, “What’s wrong with you people? Get back to your classes and you two!(pertaining to Colton and Phillip). Then Phillip said, “It was my fault Mr. Figgins. I tripped into something which made me push him to that trophy thing!” However Colton reacted, “ No. Mr. FIggins it was my fault who accidentally ..” Then Mr. Figgins exclaimed, “Enough!You two are in detention for three hours! Clean this mess first!” I smiled not because they are in trouble but they’re more of helping one another even just as a friend. I know that in no time, they’ll start the brotherhood that I’ve always wanted for them.

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