DR: Im sorry, im going to have to ask you to wait in the waiting room sir.

Me: Nah man, that's my husband right there.

Dr: I understand sir but you have to let me do my job so you can take your husband home and get back to your regularly scheduled program. Just trust me

I never trusted a white muthafucker a day in my life. Only one i trust in Ben, he dont switch up on a nigga. The dr extended his hand. I looked at it and then i looked up at him.

Me: Ion trust shit ! Do your fucking job .

I turned to walk off.

Dr: Sir, sir . Your bleeding thru your sweatshirt. Do you mind? He said reaching in to touch my hoodie.

Me: What muthaucker, get off of me and work on my boy !

Dr: Sir, please refrain from being violent . i'm trying to help you. You said your husband was gang raped, you have to speak with a detective because something has happened to you too.

Me: I'm not talking to no cops man, please your wasting time.

The doctor spun around to the nurses station, grabbed the phone and dialed 1 number. He spoke "security" into the receiver.

Fuck ! I flipped on my hoos and kept walking. I can't be talking to no fucking cops and i just bodied 3-4 niggas a couple states away. Fuck that ! i gotta get out of here !

Dr: SIR , SIR Stop that man !

Man, them white people looked at me then at the doctor as is he losted his fucking mind. Im built like a fucking mac truck imagine some doctors trying to touch me and hold me back. I slid past the front desk where the nurse was. I reached under my waistband. I grabbed 2 stacks of money and threw them to the nurse . she didn't even see me coming let alone the fucking money falling from the sky.

I disappeared into the south philly streets. I don't know wtf to do but im not going back to jail b!


Its blurry and noisy af. I can barely open my eyes and my head is pounding out this fucking world !

I heard monitors and shit going off. Tf is going on ?

Nurse: Hi, Najeem . My name is Nurse Kelly. I'll be on call this morning. How do you feel ?

Me: I feel like you need to turn these damn light out. Where am i ? i said rubbing my eyes .

Nurse: Your in methodist hospital. Are you able to tell me what year it is ? whos president ? What's your last name ?

I looked at sis like she fucking lost it.

I'm ready to get tf out of here and find Rasul. Wtf is he , why would he just leave me ?

Me: Look miss go find me my doctor. Stop asking me questions , i know wtf is going on.

She rolled her blue ass eyes and walked out. A tall white doctor came in.

Dr: Mr.Hopewell. How are you feeling ?

Me: Im fine , did you check me out ?

Dr: So you are aware of what transpired

Me: Vaguely. Now give me my std results

Dr: Well fortunately you were tested negative for all our STD test. However, you will have to set a 6 months follow up appointment.

I need to tell you that you were in a medically induced coma. Whomever did this to you knew what they were doing because they knew where to inject you to put you down.

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