Chapter 29 - Abby

Start from the beginning


Liv left for NYC yesterday with Jon and Lee and for the first time in a while I'm alone. I walk past the guest room of my house and see the memorabilia from my show, including stuff from Monty and I literally sink down and cry. I cry about everything — about missing Monty and forgetting about him since I've been happy with Liv. I cry about my show ending. I cry about missing Liv while she's gone. I cry because I hate lying. But most of all I cry about being too afraid of admitting to the world who I truly am and hurting Olivia in the process.

I've been on the couch just sulking for HOURS. Actual hours because I realized that I'm sitting in the dark now with my record player playing Adele. Masochism at its finest.

I let myself fall asleep on my couch.

"Baby! Let's go! Baby? Olivia! Liv, where are you?"

I'm in her house waiting, calling for her in the foyer. And I can hear her voice but it's muffled, she sounds like she's screaming. Oh my god.

"Liv! I'm coming! Olivia!!! Where are you? Baby, please tell me where you are!!"

I run throughout the house but it feels like I'm not running fast enough. She could be hurt and I can't get to her! I run in and out of all the rooms in the house, last place I haven't checked is the garage. I open the door and in the garage is Monty in his stupid red Lamborghini that I told him made him look like a typical LA douche.

"Oh my god..."

"There you are. I've been waiting for you, Abz. Come on, let's go for a ride. We can talk."

Next thing I knew we were driving down the coast and pulled up to a cliff. Monty parked the car and got out to open my door for me. I get out and we sit on the hood of his car looking out at the most unbelievable view. Like it was unreal.

"Do you remember this spot?" The tall man asked.

"Of course, you took me here all the time. It's our spot."

"Mhm. Looks as beautiful as when we were last here. When I was still your boyfriend."

I look up at him, "I've missed you, Monty. I'm sorry I haven't thought about you lately. It just made me too sad."

"Sssshh, I never wanted you to be sad. I never wanted to hurt you. I had to leave, it was time for me to leave and for you to be truly happy. You know where you're meant to be and who you are meant to be with."

"I'm scared, Monty. And what about you? How is it fair that I get to be so happy and you're not around?"

"You made me so happy, Abby. I had never felt happiness until I was with you. It's time you let yourself be happy. Love is scary. It's okay to be scared. She'll always understand. She's stubborn that way. That's why I had your paths cross this way. She's stronger than any of you think, both of you are and your love...your love transcends all."

I look out at the view, "why wasn't I enough for you? How could you hide all of that darkness from me?" But when I turn back to Monty, he's gone but Liv is sitting in his place.

"I don't want to hurt anymore, munch. I love you but it hurts too much..." she starts to cry and in her hand is a bleeding heart.

I scream and I wake up in a sweat on the couch. It was just a dream.

It was just a dream...


"Heeeeeyyyy sweetheart.."

"Hi baby, how are things going?"

"''s good but uhhhhhh...I fucked up."

"What? What are you talking about?"

"I sent you a video just now...I did this like rapid fire question thing and it kind of just slipped."

"Olivia. What. Slipped?"

"Oh no. It's not what you think but something slipped. Just watch the video and get back to me. I gotta go I have a meeting with the dean I need to get to."

"Rapid fire question time with Olivia Riviera! In 3...2...1...favorite food?" "Desert"

"Favorite thing in your closet right now?" "Leggings. Always."

"Dogs or cats?" "Dogs"

"Left or right?" "Left"

"Singing or acting?" "Piano."

"Italian or Mexican?" "Italian"

I chuckled. Good answer.

"Up or down?" "Down."

"Chris Evans or Hemsworth?" "Hemsworth!!"

"Lee or Kevin?" "Ha! Nice try."

"Ice cream or cake?" "Ice cream cake!"

"Sweet or salty?" "Salty then sweet then salty again!"

"Coffee?" "Yes!"

"Dark chocolate?" "No!"

"Held a snake?" "No!"

"Ran a red light?" "...yes..."

"Gotten in trouble at school?" "No..."

"Believe in love?" "Yes!"

"I'm a relationship?" "Yes.."

Oh fuck...there it is. That's what Liv was talking about. We're gonna need damage control.

A/N: How trying out a new thing, adding a graphic of text message conversations. It won't be in every chapter. Let me know if this is nice or stupid, or don't lol no one has really given any feedback yet so who knows. I'll just keep doing what I'm doing hahha!

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