lachlan is bitten

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new point of view 

* Preston * 

Sabre the base is this way . we walked into the open gate walkers were everywhere .  me and lachlan walked to our old house where we used to live. i didn't see a walker or hear one any where .

lachlan : lets gather as  much supplies as possible .

Preston : alright .


Sabre : mogi where are you .

mogi : over here , don't worry .

wolf : hey Sabre . you seen Preston .

Sabre : he's with lachlan on the other side of the base .


* Preston * 

 lachlan was looking through an old book . i didn't realize a walker was behind me . i pushed me out of the way and got bit . i couldn't believe what just happened. i grabbed my gun and shot the zombie in the head and ran over to lachlan who was laying lifeless on he floor . he was all pale and a very noticeable bite mark in his shoulder . i watched as his eyes slowly developed dark circles around them his face drained of all color and life it had left his blue eyes turned to a foggy grey . his skin was turning a grey . he snapped awake and tried to bite me when Sabre shot him with his gun .

Sabre : Preston we need to go . before we lose anymore group members .

Preston : i'm not leaving him . not like this . never like this .

wolf : Preston we need to go -

Preston : remember our groups motto Bowie ! " once family always family once loved always loved forever no matter what in life or death "!  i'm not leaving him .

mogi : come on we need to bury lachlan in his grave .


* Sabre * 

 we spent the rest of the day digging the grave for lachlan . mogi had to go back to the safe base for medical attention he had frostbite . the snow was forgiving . Preston was still crying rivers . we had to pry him away from lachlan's lifeless body and drag him back to our base .

two hours later

Preston : he's ... g-one ....

* cyclone * 

 i mogi dug his nails into my arm trying to stop me from going to Preston's room . i got free from his grip and smacked Preston across the face leaving a red hand print visible for all to see . he stopped crying and looked at me tears still in his eyes .

Preston : i'm sorry for acting like a toddler its just he meant the world to me -

cyclone : Preston ! you aren't the only on who's lost people they loved ! i lost my parents . i just recently found my brother ! mogi lost everyone . Sabre lost his friend , his ex girlfriend . shark lost his sister .Preston! and his family . everyone lost someone ! you aren't the first . is not easy to let go of the people you love i know i had to let go of all , but one .

Preston : i'm sorry i never learned to let go .

cyclone : its hard to let go of the ones you hold dear to your heart . and your group's motto is very  wise words to live by , but your in out group now yo have to follow our motto . " people who we lose are not forgotten only stored away until we are lonely " . i remember my mother and father . my best friends . and group members who died to keep us safe . grey , Cory , grian , bot , and a few others gave them selves up for the horde to be distracted enough for us to get away .we hold them in our hearts . even though they're long gone they are always remembered as one of us .

Preston : thanks cyclone . it'll be easier to let go now and move on .

cyclone : night buddy .

Preston : night guys .


* Preston's nightmare * 

i was in my house  . before the apocalypse happened i was in my bed everything was normal . lachlan i ran down to the kitchen and saw lachlan back facing me his face in a book . i touched his shoulder he was cold . he turned to look at me with the zombie face he had when he turned . he scratched my arm and bit me i could feel my blood leavening my body and my ability to function slowly drain away i was one of them now . a walker .

end nightmare.....

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