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* shark * 

 Nathan has excepted that George is gone . he having trouble  moving on with life . we try our best to comfort him and he's just not the same . the walkers are getting worse . Sabre nearly got bit when on a supply run . we have to leave soon .

* Nathan * 

 i decided to leave a note for everyone telling them i went on a supply run . the old Walmart was broken down the back pack  had was filled with food and drinks . i heard someone knock something off the shelf in the aisle next to where i was . i took out a pistol and held it in front of me the person rounded the corner and faced me . George ?! i thought you were dead !

moose : i thought i was dead for sure . i got bit , but i didn't turn into one of them i can just walk past with out them noticing me .

nathan : i missed you .


* sabre * 

 Nathan came back with a person . moose . how is he alive . he was bitten . i'm really glad he's alive , but how is he not a walker .

Nathan : i don't know , but he must be immune to the virus . just like cyclone .

shark : maybe we have a chance of survival after all . if these two are immune than something must have caused that .

cyclone :  i was not vaccinated when the out break happened .

moose : neither was i .

shark : i was . 

 sabre : me to .

 nathan : all of us were . so if they are immune but didn't get vaccines . if we were bitten we would get infected .

sabre : thats what we think is going on .


* moose * 

 Nathan was happy and i was happy . we have each other again . nothing will ever separate us . 

* shark * 

 Sabre and i were sitting in the small make shift library in the basement of the house . playing a game of cards .

Sabre : i win .

shark : fifth time .

sabre : its a gift .

shark : i call cheater .

Sabre : its getting late . i'm going to go knock out for the night .

shark : alright i'll stay guard in case of any walkers .

sabre : night shark . 

shark : night sabre .

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