Finding Cory

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Cyclone : hey grian  . you seen bot around yet ?

Grian : no he went on a food and medical supply run .

Cyclone  :  fine then . well call for me when he and Nathan get back with shark .

Grian: Alright .



Its been oddly quiet since my group left .I heard the glass break behind me and a walker got in my rifle was out of bullets , but before it could bite me  I heard a gun  go off  and the walker fell lifeless on the ground I looked up to see a military man in uniform .

Grey : sorry to intrude , but  I noticed  a fair sized group of people leaving a few weeks ago and was going to search for -  . I'm sorry if this is a bit rude , but your brace is broken . may I fix it for you .

Sabre : please . by all means .

Grey : okay try it now .

Sabre : its like new .

Grey :  now that I helped you . you need to help me find my  right hand soldier . his name is Cory .

Sabre : first we find my group or we're both done for .

Grey : fair enough come on now no time to lose 

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