Chapter 28 - Olivia

Start from the beginning

"Mmm," she breathed against my mouth as my hands pushed up to her breasts, squeezing and pulling.

Abby dipped her tongue into my mouth and chased around after mine. I made sure that I caught her tongue and they slid over each other giddily. Abby coaxed my tongue into her mouth and then sucked on it eagerly. My eyes closed as everything below my belly button tensed and tightened.

My breath hitched as Abby skimmed her fingertips down through the wetness soaking between my thighs. I groaned deeply when those same eager fingers found my clit and rolled and stroked it firmly.

"Fuck, Abby," I panted. Abby locked her mouth onto the base of my throat, sucking and nipping, as her fingers continued to frolic and roam between my legs. Her other hand still clutched my breast, her thumb rubbing over my taut nipple.

I relished the attention I was getting from my girlfriend after two weeks of not physically getting to touch her or feel her. I worked one hand lightly into Abby's hair and stroked her arm with the other. I heard someone rustling about downstairs but I knew better than to make a big deal about it because it would just egg Abby on and then she would do something crazy as hell.

"Panties off," Abby whispered roughly in my ear. "I want my mouth on you." I dropped to the bed and Abby was running her tongue up and down the inside of my thighs. I pulled her closer. When I felt Abby's tongue slide wetly over her clit my fingers flexed into her shoulder, pinning her to the spot.

Abby chuckled and focused her attention where I wanted it. In short order, I was writhing against the bed and biting my lip to keep from groaning so loudly while pushing myself into Abby.

When Abby closed her mouth and began to suck, I wrapped both hands in her hair. "So close, munch," I said with a low groan and Abby picked up the pace and doubled her efforts.

"Fuck, Abby, ohmygod," I panted out and came undone in swirling, sloppy, shuddering mess clutching Abby's shoulders.

We collapsed on the bed and Abby slid under the covers. I was still trying to catch my breath. She patted the empty spot next to her, my side of the bed. I groan and pull myself up to my lady. I cuddle up next to her with my head on her shoulder and my arm across her stomach drawing circles on her side.

"What happen between us tonight, Abby?" I ask after a few moments.

"I don't know, baby. It was stupid on my part. I got jealous and I got mad then I got mad at myself because of me."


"I saw you with Derek and my blood instantly started to boil and I was green with envy and full of jealousy. Then I realized that this is probably how you feel all the time because of me. Because of the arrangement with Matt. Especially today when you came home after seeing those pictures of us out on fake dates."

"I told you, I love you and I know that this is what you need so there isn't much I can do about it other than to see my therapist," I joked.

"It does hurt seeing you with him. Do you know why? It hurts because when he's with you, even if he's just holding your hand..." I sit up so I can look her in the eyes as I tell her this.

" are my whole world, Abigail and when he holds you in any way, even just your hand, he is holding MY world. Another man -- someone else is holding what I hold most precious in my life. I want to be able to hold you in the street. I want to kiss you when your dancing on the dance floor like tonight because you are the most adorable dancer. Every time I see you with him I die a little more. But we have stolen moments in between car doors instead. But I will wait. I will wait for you for as long as it takes because I know someday, someday I can take you in the street, in the car, on a plane, in a restaurant...anywhere! Plus, I'm not a quitter."

I wake up and its 3 am. Damn jetlag. I'm exhausted but wide awake. My lady is fast asleep in bed, I move her hair away from her beautiful face. I caress her cheek with my hand, her skin is so soft and I love her so much it hurts. I wonder to myself how much longer I can go without breaking my own heart. I wonder if my love for her my love for love is enough. What if Abby can never come out about us?

I go downstairs and look at my grandmother's piano, that'd be too loud if I played right now. I turned to my right at my keyboard and I sit on the chair in front of it. I start to play the melody that's been in my head...

We keep behind closed doors

Every time I see you, I die a little more

Stolen moments that we steal as the curtain falls

It'll never be enough

As you drive me to my house

I can't stop these silent tears from rolling down

You and I both have to hide

On the outside where I can't be yours and you

Can't be mine

But I know this

We got a love that is homeless

Why can't I hold you in the street?

Why can't I kiss you on the dance floor?

I wish that it could be like that

Why can't it be like that?

'Cause I'm yours

Why can't I say that I'm in love?

I wanna shout it from the rooftops

I wish that it could be like that

Why can't it be like that?

'Cause I'm yours

It's obvious you're meant for me

Every piece of you, it just fits perfectly

Every second, every thought, I'm in so deep

But I'll never show it on my face

I don't wanna live love this way

I don't wanna hide us away

I wonder if it ever will change

I'm living for that day


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