Chapter 15

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*Summer vacation*

Your POV

Ever since that incident in the Slytherin common room, I've been replaying in my mind all the weird encounters I had with Malfoy. Like the detentions we've had together so far. I seem like a troublemaker now. 

I'm staying in the Leaky Cauldron this year again. But one day, Harry Potter comes in through the doors. He was very surprised when he saw me wiping down tables in an apron. I didn't really like Harry anymore. He was just a random student in my year now, not some legend.

Tom led him to the rooms upstairs to stay in. They came back down and Harry approached me.

"Hey, Y/N. I never knew you worked here. Are underage wizards even allowed to work?"

"I actually don't know. But Tom gave me a summer job here so can stay somewhere for the summer. And I get paid so I can pay for school."

"You don't have a home?"

"I don't.  My family passed away 2 years ago while I was in school. So the bank took away our house. And now I just stay here." He had a sympathetic face. And then he gave me an awkward hug.

I haven't hugged anyone since I got my Hogwarts letter 2 years ago. I decided to embrace it and hug him back tightly. I slowly let go after a few seconds and told him to go away.

**Two weeks later**

Draco's POV

I'm cruising down Diagon Ally with Crabbe and Goyle with an ice cream cone in my hand. Mint chip. All of a sudden, I just stop.

The beautiful mudblood L/N is walking our way. I could tell she saw me. She whipped her head to the other side to avoid eye contact.

"Crabbe, Goyle. You guys go to Flourish and Blotts. I'll catch up with you later." They left me behind.

Once they were gone, I ran to L/N's side and put my hand on her shoulder

Your POV

"How's your summer, mudblood?" I turn to my right and Malfoy's face was all up in mine. His hand was clutching my shoulder pretty hard. I wiggled away from his grasp.

"It was pretty okay, I guess."

"Good to hear. Hopefully you haven't been practicing to try out for Quidditch again, eh?" He started laughing and slapped his knee. And then he put his arm around my waist. What's with the arm-wrapping? Is he some type of perv?

We just kept walling like that to no certain destination. Just strolling along Diagon Ally in silence. It was starting to get dark, so I steered us to the Leaky Cauldron and offered him to have a butterbeer. He accepted.

We walked in and I lead him to an empty table and went to get drinks. When i came back, he had on an eager face. I set the drinks down and sat myself down, too.

Out of the blue, Malfoy reaches his hand to meet mine. I wasn't fast enough to jerk my hand away, so he got a grasp of it. He interlaced his fingers with mine and held hands. I looked at our hands together. I could feel myself blush. I looked up and saw his face red like a rose.

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