Chapter 1

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Draco's POV

Today was the day that I got my Hogwarts letter...naturally. What type of headmaster of a wizarding school wouldn't​ want a wealthy pure-blood boy? I am just so perfect. Mother is making a small little feast in honor of my Hogwarts letter.  She doesnt Dobby, our house elf, to do it because of the importance of my letter. Father was out getting my butterbeer. So sweet.Once Mother is done making our feast, Father comes in with my butterbeer.

A few days later, Mother, Father and I go to Diagon Alley to get all my supplies for school. I go to Flourish & Blotts to get all my books. Then, I go to Madam Malkins for my school robes. I see a boy with glasses and extremely messy black hair. He looked very confused; I ignored him. I got all my robes and went to Ollivander's, my last shop.

Inside, Mr.Ollivander is sitting behind his desk, looking at me weirdly.

"Greetings, young wizard," Ollivander says. He inspects me more as he starts to get up from his desk chair.

"You must be the Malfoy son! You have your father's features, especially his hair! I have a few wands in mind that might fit you right." He leaves his desk and returns with at least five different boxes with wands in them. He places each box carefully onto his desk. Then, picks up a wand from a box, hands it to me and tells me to give it a flick.

It makes me remove all the wand boxes from all the shelves. Ollivander draws his own wand out and puts everything back in place. I give him the wand in my hand as he gives me another wand to try. I give that one a flick, causing the stuff on Ollivander's desk to fly everywhere. I quickly put down the wand back on his desk while he cleans up. 

"Third one is always a charm, isn't it dear boy?" he singsongs. He gives me a third wand and all of a sudden, I feel powerful. Ollivander gazes at me in awe and says:

"This is it! Hawthorn and unicorn hair. Ten inches precisely. Well, hope you have an excellent  year at Hogwarts!"

A few days later after my trip to Diagon Alley, I am at Platfrom 9 3/4.  I hug my mother goodbye as I board the train and find a compartment. I find only one compartment with a girl just staring out the window. I didn't think that she'd pay attention to me, so I opened the door. She looked up at me at the sound of the door. She had such a beautiful face. Her (E/C) eyes perfectly complemented her (H/C) hair. I think she caught me staring at her. Her face began to flush. Then she looked outside the  window again.

After a few minutes, I couldn't help but to give her a good impression of me.

"Hi. My name is Draco Malfoy." I say. Her gaze drifts from the window to me. Merlin's beard. Her beautiful face turns this way once again. She blinks at me then she says:

"Hi. My name is (Y/N) (L/N). Nice to meet you, Draco Malfoy." She puts her hand for me to shake it. Before I take it, I ask her: 

"What's your blood status? Sorry, but I was just extremely  curious..."

"Well, actually, I'm a Muggleborn." 

That's when I look at her as disgusting. I snarl at her and leave the compartment. Filthy, little mudblood! 

Shy and Pride | Draco Malfoy Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora