Chapter 7

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-The Next Day-

Draco's POV

That detention was the absolute worst! I would've gotten a good sleep if it weren't for that utterly filthy little mudblood! Now, I practically look like a zombie. And yes, I do care about how I look every day.

As I make my way out of the common room, I see loser (L/N) on my favorite armchair. She has her body curled up into a ball, sleeping. She has a book-shaped object in her lap. A jade colored pencil is in her hand. Did she go to the armchair and started drawing after our detention last night? That's weird.

I'm in the Great Hall eating breakfast. Pansy is on my right talking nonstop about some Sorcerer's Stone, or something ridiculous like that. As we start to finish up, (L/N) walks in late, looking half awake. She must be exhausted because she plops right next to me and starts eating directly from the big plate of toast. Her head droops way below the table. Then she tries (key word: tries) to lift her head back up again. Her head swings to the right, lightly hitting my chest. She starts to sleep immediately after that. I don't think she realizes what the heck she's doing.

I guess my good manners took over me because all of a sudden, I put my hand on her head and start to stroke her hair. It's so soft and silky. Crabbe, Goyle, and Pansy's faces are all drooping with shock. They know I despise mudbloods. I couldn't help but break out a tiny smile from my face.

Your POV

Whatever my head was resting on, it was hard. Something incredibly soft was gently stroking my hair. Was I some type of cat? I open my eyes.  I look up and see Draco's face. What the heck?! How did I end up in Draco's chest? I jolt up quickly from his touch, quickly pour myself a cup of OJ (whilst spilling a majority of it, due to embarrassment), drink it, and go to class.

sorry this chapter was so short. writer's block problems

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