Chapter 4

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Your POV

As our tour of the Slytherin common room was done, we were lead to our rooms. The prefects said that our stuff was already in our rooms. Once we were all inside, I went over to the other girls to introduce myself.

"Hi. My name is (Y/N) (L/N). What's yours?"
They didn't respond. They either chose to ignore me or they didn't hear me.

So I went to my bed to go to sleep. I got out my sketchpad and continued working on the picture of the boy. Now that I think about it. He sort of looks like Harry Potter. Since I already saw him today, I remember his features and begin drawing the rest of his face. Once I'm done, it's almost 11. Then I go to sleep.

-The next day-

I wake up and get my uniform on. And I get myself all readied up. Then I grab my school bag and go to the Great Hall for breakfast. I sit down in a similar spot where I sat yesterday. I see Professor McGonagall walking around with papers in her hand. She hands them to the Gryffindors on the other side of the Hall. Then I see Professor Snape handing out papers as well. He hands one to me and says:

"Here is your class schedule for the year, Miss (L/N)"

"Thank you, sir", I say. I look at my schedule. I have a flying lesson first with the Gryffindors. Then I get out my sketchpad from my bag and add some finishing touches to the drawing of Harry. I sign it quickly and realize that I'm about to be late to my first class ever. I grab my bag and run out of the Hall.

As I'm running, I see the back of Harry's head. He's walking with a redheaded boy. I run faster to catch up to him. I tap on his shoulder to get his attention.

"Hey Harry. Since you're in Gryffindor and our first class is the flying class, do you know where it is?" He seemed really confused. Maybe because we don't know each other. The boy on his left started to speak.

"And who might you be, Slytherin girl?"

"My name is (Y/N) (L/N). What's yours?"

"Well my name's Ron. Ron Weasley." I stick out my hand and he takes it.

"Well. Ron, do you know where the flying lesson is?" He nods his head and starts running ahead of me and Harry. I tell him to slow down and wait for us and he does. While me and Harry catch up to him, I hand him the picture I drew of him.

"Here. I saw you in Diagon Alley and you had a very drawable face. Don't think that I am obsessed with you or anything. It's that you had a draw able face." He looks down at the drawing and puts it in his bag. He gives me a small smile and we keep walking to class.

Once we arrive, we put our bags down and line up. I'm standing next to a bushy haired girl. She introduces herself as Hermione Granger. On my right is Harry. Across from me is Draco Malfoy. He gives me this nasty snarl for no apparent reason. Then the teacher comes.

"Hello class. I am your teacher, Madam Hooch. Please step to your brooms and put your hand out and say 'up'". At once, everyone steps up and there is a chorus of people saying the word "up". The first try, my broom comes up to my hand. I catch it and see who else got theirs up as well. I see only Harry's and Draco's broom off the ground.

Then after everyone has their broom up, Madam Hooch tells us to mount our brooms and fly when she blows her whistle. Neville Longbottom's broom goes up and he gets hurt. He goes with Madam Hooch to the hospital wing. She tells everyone to not go on their broom. Draco finds Neville's remembrall and throws it far away. Harry gets on his broom and catches it.

While everyone was cheering for Harry, I was laughing my butt off. Even though what Harry did was a tiny bit heroic, it was hilarious of Draco to throw it. As I was laughing, I saw Draco coming my way with his friends.

"What's so funny, (L/N)?" taunted Draco.

"What's so funny is that you threw the remembrall!"I answered. He gave me a curious look and walked away with a smirk.

Draco's POV

That weirdo thought that throwing Neville's remembrall was funny?! Out of everyone in that class, she was the only one who thought that it was funny. I would've thought that she'd be cheering for stupid Potter. So weird. And stupid. And dumb. And poor and a mudblood and now? She was ugly. On the train she was beautiful. But now that she was a mudblood, she was just hideous. Stupid mudblood.

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