Chapter 2

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Your POV

Draco Malfoy just left my compartment. I don't know why. I didn't do anything wrong. Or did I? I don't know. All I know is that Draco Malfoy was in my compartment, asked me what my blood status was, told him I was a muggleborn and left. Maybe he was shocked? Or surprised? Oh gosh. Boys are confusing. They don't make sense whatsoever.

Now that he was gone, I could draw. I never liked drawing with other people around me. I feel sort of intimidated. So I started drawing a picture of a boy who I saw at Diagon Alley. He had messy black hair and green eyes. He also had rounded black glasses. He was walking around with a huge man with an extreme hair problem.

That boy had a drawable face. Some people have faces that are just way to hard to draw.

I sat alone in that compartment for the rest of the trip to Hogwarts, drawing that boy's face from memory. Since he was in Diagon Alley, he was probably getting his supplies as well. So I'll probably see him at the school.

Draco's POV

That stupid (L/N) girl. What a disgrace. How could such a girl be in this train. She was a mudblood! That's not even possible!

As I left that compartment, I found an almost full compartment with two big boys and a pug-faced girl. I went inside and sat down next to the girl. And as any good gentleman, I introduced myself.

"Hi everyone. My name is Malfoy. Draco Malfoy. What's. Your guys' names, may I ask?" The girl next to me started yo speak up.

"My name is Pansy Parkinson. That one is Crabbe and the other is Goyle."

I put my hand out to Crabbe and Goyle for them to shake. First, Crabbe grabs my hand. It was all moist and sweaty. Then I shake Goyle's hand. His was just like Crabbe's.

A half hour later, we arrive at Hogwarts. I grab my trunk and follow everyone out. A huge man tells all first years to come with him to some boats.  We were all in a line to get on the boats. When I was at the front of the line, I realized that I was the last one. When I stepped into the boat, I saw that the girl from earlier was already on.

Just great. I have to share a boat with a mudblood.

Once we landed at the school, we were lead to a staircase to meet an old woman. And she started to talk about all the stuff about our houses and yada yada yada. I already know all this stuff. My parents told me.

Then when she was done, I see the boy I saw in madam Malkins. It wasn't just any boy. It was Harry Potter! I walked up to him, asked him if he wanted to be my friend and got completely rejected. How rude!

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