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(A/N) A picture of Adaline on the side! (That's my favorite photo ever of Mia, fun fact.) 

   “Whoa you’re a chick!” The boy said, his eyes wide in surprise. I glared at him, crossing my arms over my chest.

   “Oh shoot, my cover’s blown!” I said sarcastically. But really, the only thing slightly boyish about me was my hair. I had a slim figure, petite wrists, and hot pink fucking shoes, I mean really. I sighed - there had to be an emergency exit somewhere in this damn aquarium.

   It then dawned on that I’d seen a door leading to the outside exhibits near the dining area, which I was close to. My face lit up, and in a swift motion I was facing away from the grade A idiot and making my way out of this hell hole. 

   I heard footsteps behind me, but chose to ignore them. Eyes on the prize, I was getting out of here, and I was going to be free.

   “So what’s your name?” A familiar accent asked, the voice sounding close. I kept my face forward, I wasn’t exactly here to make friends. 

   “My name’s Jonah, what’s yours?” He asked me.

   Despite how annoying this boy was, I had to admit I liked his name - and okay, I kind of liked his persistence. But I would never admit that outloud. 

   “I bet your name is Becky, you look like a Becky,” Jonah added, stepping to the other side of me. I turned to look at him, cocking my brow. 

   “Try again,” I said, taking a turn, my eyes catching the doors leading to the outside. My eyes widened, and before Jonah could speak, I was taking off running toward the door. 

   “That door’s locked, too,” Jonah said, just before my hands could braze the handle. I dropped them, turning to look at him. 

    “WHY DOES THE WORLD HATE ME!?” I yelled, dropping my sketchbook and bag, and then falling to my knees. I looked up at Jonah, my eyes threatening to water. 

    “I don’t think it’s that bad,” He said, stepping closer to me. He bent down and picked up my sketchbook and bag, slinging it over his shoulder. I stood up, letting out a low hiss at him. 

    He gave me an incredulous look, before grabbing me by the hand and taking off running. 

    “What the hell are you doing!?” I asked, trying my best to keep my footing as he pulled me behind him. Jonah said nothing, but instead took a sharp left turn, throwing a door that was not open to the public open, and running up a flight up stairs that we were probably not supposed to be stepping on. 

    “Come on Becky! You’re so slow!” He said, pulling me harder. I swear he pulled my shoulder out of its socket. 

    I looked up from the ground as we hit the last step and Jonah released my arm. I looked around us to see a large pool of water, and a bunch of tubes and pipes. I figured this was the “backstage” of the aquarium, the shit they didn’t let the public see. 

    Jonah stepped up onto the plastic looking rocks and looked out into the extended body of water. I watched him lean further and further over the water, and when it happened, it was almost completely expected.

    Jonah took a step forward, or more, took a lunge forward, sending himself splashing into the water. I brought my hands up to my mouth, trying my hardest to not allow the laugh that was bubbling up in my throat to escape. 

    I watched the water a while, and no sign of Jonah appearing was making itself known. I cocked my brow, moving toward a small clipboard sitting close to the water. I stepped over to it, picking it up off the clip it was hanging on. 

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