Success Does Not Guarantee Greatness

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We have the ability to continue.

And not to quit, but to try again.

Failure is not so dangerous.

But the lack of courage to go on.


Be careful with every step.

For life is like a balancing show.

Each step will lead us to where we want.

If we don't lose the tact on our strides.


Each day can begin with a smile.

If we dare the sun to shine on us.

Darkness will envelope our life.

If we don't fight back and get beaten.


Failure has its own flavor.

Just like condiments that give extra taste.

Stumbling can give you enthusiasm.

To rise again and dare to be the best.


Feel great and help others feel the same too.

Do your best as if it is your last day.

Success will not guarantee you greatness.

Unless you make other people become as well.

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