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Hands that knock out and make your legs wobble.

He floats like a graceful butterfly.

Then he stings like an angry bee.

He can beat anybody but always preserve his humility.


His reach may be short or may be long.

But it doesn't matter because he can really hit.

He has plans as he dances around.

As the excited corner men shout out loud.


He'll beat you hard and makes you lay uncounscious.

As the third man counts the numbers one to ten.

He walks away and stands still in the corner.

AS he anticipates the fallen guy to get up again.


He throws extraordinary power from different angles.

And stares at his nemesis without eyes blinking.

He has nothing against about any person.

He just wants to entertain and be victorious.


Discipline , control and faith what makes him fight.

And wears those soft globes and grasps for the ropes.

He can hit you anywhere and make you bleed or fall.

His eight division titles make him pound for pound King.

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