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I am imagining saying my greatest oration.

Thinking my future and what lies ahead.

Hundreds may be feeling the same way too.

But only few will wear pendants over their heart.


When I was young I was asked what I wanted to be.

I would just shrug because I did not know the answer.

I was challenged to find the answer to that question.

Spent many nights reading and learning.


I can get a compromise or make a promise.

To those who helped me and expect I would shine.

I can make excuses or find somebody to blame.

If I would make mistakes and wrong decisions in my life.


Someday I will be the one to ask someone what he desires to be.

And remind him to struggle and follow a dream.

I wish that all my hardships will be fruitful.

By providing the most powerful weapon to change the world.

Rhymes of My SoulHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin