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Cherish is esteem. A deep-rooted desire to think highly of someone of great value. An affection that is constant and enduring. A love that is lively and warm.


Cherish is the prize. Something we deserve for action worth doing. The joy we feel for the glory we get.I t's something our heart hits on something it pursuits. A priceless treasure we greatly sought after.


Cherish is to treasure, so we can see the world and discover ourself. We give some of it to others and we keep the rest for ourself. For where our treasure is, our heart will be there too.


Cherish is to cultivate, so the feeling will grow, fresh and verdant. The feeling doesn't grow immediately, but if we are patient enough to constantly water it with some gentle loving concern you will reap what you sow.


Cherish is to nurture so we can give the most tender loving care and give the feeling the chance to grow. A feeling can die if not nurtured properly, but if you take care of it and make it secured it will survive and flourish.

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