The Most Harmful Rascal

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Hardship and sacrifice is a given thing.

It is the way to improve our humanity.

Though it's hard and austere to be good.

And our mediocrity is a usual excuse.


We are enjoying all the earthly pleasure.

That we forgot our purifying intention.

Is it enough to be religious?

Will it justify in His sight?


Sometimes our love for Him is just symbolic.

Or our concern to other people.

Does it really hurt to make it real?

Can we offer our commitment as a gift?


We are obviously afraid and insecure.

And we seek His help to pacify our soul.

But when we are healed and feel OK again.

We are back in old business anew.


Embrace love and be caring.

Don't blame others for our failures.

Don't always think about our own good, for it is greed.

This dominant commitment is the most harmful culprit.

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