So she shook him harder.

He cracked one eye open and stared at her. Until he closed it again and grunted "What?"

"Nothing. Just...wanted to see you," she replied.

He huffed and turned towards her, opening his eyes and plastering an annoyed expression on his face.

"Well, now you've seen me. So go away."

But Azura simply grinned and lay down next to him. Although the snow was wet and cold below her, she didn't feel it. She only felt the weight of his stare on her. Her arm brushed his, and the light tingles she felt turned into a swarm of bees in her stomach.

But, she felt happy. And she hoped he did too.

But the moment was broken by a piercing scream of, "Help!"

Both Azura and Jordan shot to their feet, alarmed and worried about the cry.

"I'll go check it out," he said, breathless. "Stay here."

"No way. I'm coming with you," she replied stubbornly, crossing her arms across her chest.

Jordan frowned, and opened his mouth to protest, but was interrupted by Azura grabbing his hand and leading him towards the source of voice. Feeling that he shouldn't waste any more time, he sighed and reluctantly let her come along. Or rather, drag him along.

Not that he had much choice in the matter.

Her pace hastened to a run, and soon, the duo were sprinting across the snow, looking for anyone who may have called for help, for there wasn't a soul on the streets at that ungodly hour.

And soon, the victim came into view.

A young girl, about ten years old, was surrounded by three older men. As the men advanced towards her, she kept backing away, until she hit a wall.

She was cornered.

The girl was crying, the tears running down her face and into the snow below. She spotted Azura, and desperately screamed.


One guy, a young one with a scornful sneer, clapped his hand onto her mouth, muffling her screams. Azura could see the child struggling against him, to no avail.

Azura gasped, and racked her brains to think of what to do. But really, she didn't have to, for Jordan had already sprung into action.

He bravely walked up to the men, all of them much more skinny and ragged than him.

He then did something unexpected.

He punched the guy holding the girl right in the face, causing him to scream and stumble away.

Standing between this girl and men, he crossed his arms and stared them down, looking angry enough to pummel all three of them to the ground.

He looked awfully intimidating despite his lithe frame.

Jordan opened his mouth, and his smooth voice shouted into the silence. "Scram."

They didn't budge.

Jordan spoke again.

"Look, I'm really not in the mood for getting into a fight right now. So, if you're smart, you'll leave that little girl alone, and make sure I don't catch you lurking around here ever again."

One of the men, an older, balding one, pulled a gleaming knife out of his pocket.

"We can take you on. It's three against one, after all."

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