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3rd Person POV

((A/N: your like 10 so far))

Jacques: GO TO SLEEP!!!

He shouts as he slams the door after beating you to a bloody pulp for something you obviously didn't do as you just stayed in your room thinking on how to escape this nightmare

You thinking: 'yeah. I'll go to sleep alright, but just you wait...Soon...I'll make you
go to sleep'

Right now your just standing there with your white hair covering your eyes and facing the door and yours just there. Emotionless, not moving

And do you know what's funny? They were actually kind enough to give you a room like your sisters and brother; Weiss, Winter and Whitley and boy were they so god damn annoying and irresponsible little pieces of shi-brats..

But! There was someone who at least cared for you and that was your mother:
Willow Schnee
((I think that's her name?))

And speak of the devil here she is

Willow: *gasp* (Y/N)! Are you alright?!

She runs to you and checks you for wounds

You: ......yeah.......just some bruises

You say quietly as your not really a "talkative" person per say

Willow: *sigh* this is inhumane. I'm sorry you have to go through this (Y/N). I want to try and stop him but he'll just say that your a monster and needs to be taught a lesson

You: how?

Willow: pardon?

You: how am I...a monster?

Willow: well son. Your...different

You: that's putting it politely *sarcastically*

Willow: no not like that...well how do I put this? You...have no aura and you have this microscopic bacteria living inside your cells called med-medi? Uhh midichlorians I think it's called

You: they live inside me?

Willow: inside your cells yes

Jacques: Willow! Come here!

You and her both hear your fath-Jacques outside somewhere

Willow: ok! *looks at you* I need to go

You: yeah. Go on then

She then gives you a gentle hug and a kiss on the forehead and walks to the door and goes out towards Jacques

You: this is my life

You flop onto your bed in exhaustion and was about to drift off until a extremely annoying voice is at the door


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