Ch. 14 ~Night Changes~

Começar do início

Lauren shook her head, "But the things I have is what most people crave. Money, fame, security is what most people fight over for—and here I am being sad and ungrateful about it. "

This time Y/N ignore all the warning signs and grab Lauren's hand in his. Lauren look up at Y/N as Y/N felt the soothing warmth in Lauren's hand.

"Even if a person have those things it doesn't grant happiness. Money can't buy happiness. Fame can't cure loneliness. Security won't bring peace. "

"But... "

"No buts, " Y/N said smiling softly. "You can't feel happy just cause society says you have what they don't. "

"I... Maybe... If... " Lauren tries to find an argument but came up empty handed.

Y/N grin at Lauren's cute pouty face, "It's also okay to say I'm right, "

Lauren huff, "And why would I say such a thing? "

Y/N smirk to annoy her more, "Why not say it? Cause we both know I'm right. "

Lauren narrows her eyes, "No, "

"Yes, "

"I said no, "

"I say yes, "

"Nope, "

"Still yes, "

At each word that Y/N says he got closer to Lauren's face, the latter doing the same. Both of them didn't notice anything; too focus on winning the argument.

"I said. . .no " Lauren's words died out of her mouth as she notices the closeness of their faces.

"And I say. . .yes " The redness of Lauren's lips had Y/N shamelessly staring at it. Just one movement of Y/N head and both of them would be kissing underneath thousands of stars.

"Yo Losers! Get down here! " Dinah shouted from beneath the roof.

And just like that everything felt more real. It was like coming out of a dream and being plunge straight at reality.

"Let's go see what D wants, " Lauren said smiling as if they didn't just had a moment.

"Uhh...sure " Y/N replied stupidly.
When Lauren turn around and crawl back to her window Y/N couldn't help but let his eyes wander down Lauren's backside. Even in the night Y/N could see how ample it is.

"Hope you enjoyed the show hero, "

The redness in Y/N face couldn't even compare to an apple. Lauren gave Y/N her famous smirk he has been seeing lately before disappearing inside.

Blushing? Y/N thought as he started crawling. I haven't done that since high school

A few minutes later Y/N found himself face to face with a grinning Dinah. He felt a little terrified with her smile. It wasn't the one with happiness and flowery smiles innocent girls give but more of a dangerous one that has trouble written all over it.

"We're going on a midnight adventure! "

An Hour Later

"This doesn't look like the taco place." Y/N voice out loud as they park in front of a three story house outside of the city.

"Oh, I said taco place? I meant your ex boss house. " Dinah said grinning as she cut the engine.

"What? "

"Yup, " Dinah smile, "Kyle Warren. He's your ex boss, right? "

"Yes but how do- "

"I did some background research on you, " Dinah said shrugging, " I couldn't just let a random guy be friends with my sister. "

Sad Song (Lauren/You)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora