Start from the beginning

Aubrey gritted her teeth. "Shut it, Weasley! You have no idea what you're talking about."

"Everyone knows the Malfoy's are Death Eaters. They've always been loyal to You-Know-Who. And it's quite obvious you followed into the your family's footsteps," Ron accused, his tone sounding aggressive.

The witch tensed her muscles in anger, her eyes sending daggers at the red-haired wizard. She was seething with fury, the color red coating her body in great anger.

"Ron!" Hermione screeched at him.

"Tell me the truth, Aubrey. Explain what I heard," Harry sighed impatiently, his tone soft.

Aubrey let out a breath, before she began to speak. "I'm not a Death Eater, and I'm not a servant to You-Know-Who. My family wanted me to be, but I didn't want to go down that path. They never accepted my decision, they threaten to disown me and kick me out. So, I'm only pretending to be a Death Eater," she lied, her eyes glistening with the false truth.

Harry's eyes twitched, a look of acceptance showing, before being replaced by suspicion. ""Second in-command" is what you said you were to Voldemort..." Harry trailed off.

Aubrey merely nodded. "There's supposedly prophecy-"

"What prophecy?" Ron interrupted.

The brunette glared at him. "I'm getting there."

"There's a prophecy that may or may not exist, about myself being the key to helping The Dark Lord rule over the Wizarding World," Aubrey implied, only sugar-coating the truth.

"And you're just telling us this now?" Harry outraged, as his two best friends stared at the witch in shock.

Aubrey rolled her eyes. "What was I supposed to say, Potter? "There's this prophecy made about me ruling with You-Know-Who to destroy the Wizarding World." Because, that sounds pleasing," she sarcastically mentioned.

"Aren't all prophecies meant to be true?" Ron questioned, puzzled with confusion.

"Not all," Hermione stated. "Take Harry's for example: A boy born at the end of seventh month, will have the power to vanquish The Dark Lord. Neville and Harry were both born at the end of July. But He picked Harry instead."

"Voldemort picked me though, Aubrey's was spoken by name," Harry implied.

Aubrey shook her head. "Actually, it doesn't."

"What?" Harry hissed.

"Mine said: A girl born the middle of the sixth month will be the key to help The Dark Lord take down The Chosen One, and rule over the Wizarding World with her master," Aubrey restated, biting her lip in anxiousness.

The golden trio looked in astonishment and worry. "I wanted to tell you guys, but I knew something like this would happen," Aubrey insisted, awkwardly fidgeting.

"I promise you, you can trust me. I'm not your enemy. I'm on your side," Aubrey persisted, staring at them with pure innocence.

Hermione smiled small. "She's given us no reason not to trust her." Aubrey smiled with great delight at the bright, young witch.

Ron looked hesitant, but shifted over toward the witch. He stretched the back of his neck, giving his mate a shrug. "Her story and explanation seems good enough for me." The witch chuckled at the red-haired wizard's defense.

"Is there anything else you're keeping from us?" Harry asked, eyeing her carefully.

"You-Know-Who killed my parents too, Harry," Aubrey said, her eyes glistening up at the raven-haired boy.

Hermione and Ron stared at her with sympathy. Harry frowned, his mouth gaped open, silence voicing out. "The night he killed your parents, he killed mine before going to Godric Hallows. He had discovered my prophecy and murdered my muggle parents," the brunette witch explained. "I'm in your boat, Harry."

"I'm sorry about your parents, Aubrey..." Harry trailed off, finding it difficult to find any other words to apologize with.

Aubrey smiled, shrugging her shoulders lightly. "Hey, I never knew parents. I have no memories of them."

"Anything else we should know about?" Harry questioned.

"No," Aubrey stated.

Harry slowly made his way over toward the brunette-haired witch. He smiled awkwardly at her. "Then, I'm sorry for accusing you so suddenly."

Aubrey chuckled. "Apology accepted, Potter."

Aubrey Thomas felt her stomach nerve with guilt and sin. She was spewing lies from her mouth left and right. She didn't know how to stop telling lies. And she didn't know how long her lies would last, before the truth slowly makes its way out.

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