Chapter 14

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We walked out to the parking lot. When we found the car, he unlocked it and we got in and just sat in there for a minute. The more I thought about what had just happened, the more I had to fight back tears.

Does he not trust me? clearly not. I let tear slip. Oh no. I.. broke my promise. "Hey hey please don't cry. Your too pretty to cry." Zack whispered. "Stop lying to me and yourself. Ever heard of the saying eyes can be deceiving? Well, that's a two way street.." I whispered the last part. "What are you talking about? You are pretty no, scratch that. Your beautiful, Peyton."

I looked down at my wrists. Zack followed my eyes with his. Oh god. "P, what happened to your um.." he cleared his throat, "wrists?" He asked softly. "Me." "Why? Why would you do this? Who made you do it? I'll- I cut him off by slamming my hands on the dash board, making him jump. "People Zack! I did it because people suck ass! Because people think that some people don't have feelings! They think that I don't deserve to be famous! That I should just.. just.. KILL MYSELF! And they're right! But I never cut deep enough.. I never cut deep enough.." I sobbed.

He pulled me in a tight hug. I had nearly forgotten about the whole Ivan thing. "Did you do it when you went in the bathroom?" He asked looking down. "No, I just need to mentally work some things out." "Oh." I leaned my head in his shoulder.

I soon felt the warmth of his temple on mine through my hair. "P, don't let anyone bring you down. Your funny, sweet, beautiful, your all of these amazing things and that's why people hate on you. Because they aren't you. They don't have what you have. They don't have your personality, your looks. They're jealous of you P.Just try to ignore them. In fact I'll tell Logan to make a video about it, maybe if you open up and tell the Logang everything that's happened they'll back off. The Jake Paulers too." He suggested. "We'll figure it out don't worry." He reassured.

I sighed. "Ok, let's go home now. I'm sorry about this whole thing. I'll pay your back." "No it's fine, you wanna come to the WDW house and watch a couple movie with me and the boys?" He asked brightly. "Sure." I smiled. This has been an eventful night, I have a feeling it's not over yet..

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