Chapter 9

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By the time I was actually tired, it was 2:30 in the morning. I could've lasted all night but we were laughing so hard it was exhausting. "I guess we're gonna head out." Jonah stated. Ayla and Brendon were already gone.

"Yeah, I'm pretty tired." Zach yawned. "Tonight was fun guys, it was really nice meeting you guys." "Same!" Corbyn slurred. I couldn't help but laugh. All the guys said they're goodbyes and we're out the door.

All except for Zach.

"Hey P. Can i talk to you for a sec?" "Sure Zach." I followed him to the balcony. "What did you wanna talk about?" "You have to understand that Corbyn isn't all that he puts off.." his voice trailed away. "What do you mean?" I didn't understand exactly what he was saying but I think I have some idea.. "I mean he has a reputation, and not a very good one."

My eyes went wide. Corbyn seemed so sweet and innocent. "He got into drugs awhile back. He doesn't do it very often but, it still led to bad turning points in his life. I can tell you like him, not to hurt you in any way,he likes you but not the way you think.." he trailed off again. I looked down feeling used. "I'm so sorry, did I hurt you?"He asked alarmingly. "No. Not you.." I said blankly.

He hugged me, something I wasn't expecting. I could tell he was telling the truth. The way Corbyn was talking to me, the way he looked. It was all true. Zach's hugs were warm and cuddly. He cheeks soft. And he smelt amazing. Corbyn only wanted to use me. I let go. I heard his phone buzz. "Hey Jonah, what's up?" He said into the phone. "What?! Why?!" He said very alarmed. "Oh, he got back into his old ways huh? Well, tell him I said good luck. Oh, I'm talking to Peyton. Yeah. Ok, I will. Bye brother." And with that he hung up, ending the conversation.

"What was that about?" I asked. "Oh, Umm. Corbyn quit the band. Wanted to get away from everything. He's leaving for his place back in New York tomarrow. For good." "Oh, I'm sorry.." I said sympathetically. "Nah, don't worry about it. He's one of my best friends sure but he's too on edge. Can't stay one color if you know what I mean." "Yeah I get it." "Plus he barely practiced and preformed with us.. and he held us back on a lot of important gigs.." he said remembering his past. "Well, I better get back to the Why Don't We house, but I'll see you tomarrow." He said walking away and winking. I blushed.

"Hey Zack?" "Yeah." He responded while turning in a dime in my direction. "Can I have your number? Incase we wanna hang out together or just talk about things?" He smiled. "Of coarse!" He beamed. We exchanged numbers, hugged and went separate ways for now. I used to be so unhappy at jakes house, but now I can't help but smile. I don't think I should live there anymore. I'm so much happier here. I need to talk with Jake and Logan...

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