Chapter 4

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I woke next to a sleeping Ivan. He looked peaceful. I decided to let him sleep, and get up and start probably another shitty day. I looked over at Ivan,and i thought.. I could be wrong. Today might be great! I hope.. Here's the funny thing about hope, hope is typically a joke to me.

But, maybe, Ivan gives me hope that another guy besides my brothers, actually cares about me. I don't mean the rest of the guys on Team Ten don't care. I mean that as in a different way. Like what Chance and Tessa have, or Jake and Ericka. Or Kade and his phone.. I guess I just want to know what it feels like.. to be loved by someone. Like the love that everyone talks about. I'm not sure how to describe it because I've never felt that before. And, probably... never will.

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