Chapter 8

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I was taking a really good nap, when I noticed it was quiet. That never happens. Weird.. I thought. So I decided just to get up and see what kinda future Rama shit was happening here. I heard faint whispers of arguing.

I saw my brothers, looking frustrated and sad. "Hey guys.. what's going on?" "P, let me se your wrists.."

Logan said quietly. "No." I said denyingly. "Peyton please.. I wanna help you." He said calmly. "*sigh* oka-okay.." I said shakily. I hesitantly rolled up my sleeves. "Oh P.." he hugged me suddenly. "I'm so sorry.." he said in the verge of tears.

Jake let a tear fall. "You.. your not mad?" I figured that they would be furious. "Mad, of coarse not." Jake said reassuringly. "Umm, Logan?" "Yes P?" "Can I stay with you for awhile?" I looked at Jake, he nodded. "Of coarse you can!" He beamed. "Great! I'll pack!" I ran upstairs. I wanted to stay with Logan because I needed to get away from Jake... I didn't want to face him on top with Chance and Anthony.

Who are like the my other brothers. Like the blood that runs through our veins isn't any different than me and my actual brothers. They wouldn't be so understanding. After I packed, changed, and did my hair. I called Logan to pick me up.

He arrived really fast, I said my goodbyes to Jake and got in the car while Logan put my stuff in his trunk. We arrived to his apartment, it was really nice. I saw Maverick, Kong, Ayla, Evan, Brenden, and a group of young boys I've never seen before.

All very attractive. "Hey guys!" I said to Ayla and Brenden. "Hey P!" Ayla squealed. "OMG we need to plan a girls day!"I shouted. "OMG YASS!" She yelled girlishly back. "BRENDEN!" I said imitating Logan. "PEYTON!" I was about to hug him when I decided to swerve him. "YEET!" I shouted "OOOHH" everybody shouted, including the boys who's names unknown to me. "Who's the savage Logan?" One boy with curly hair asked. "This is my little sister Peyton." "Hi!"

I smiled. Gosh I haven't had this much fun in forever. "P this is Jack, Daniel, Jonah, Zack, and Corbyn. They're a band called Why Don't We, they make awesome music!" I smiled up at Logan then at the boys. There was one who particularly interest me, Corbyn.

He had blonde hair almost white, and the most beautiful blue eyes. "Ima order Chinese food, why don't you go get to know the boys?" "K Logan." I walked over and sat on the saude
sectional they were on. They all smiled.

"Hey, I'm Daniel." A brown headed boy with emerald green eyes said. "I'm Jonah." Another brown headed boy said. "I'm Jack." His hair reminded me of a poodle. "I'm Zack." Zack was REALLY cute. "Hey cutie, I'm Corbyn." Nope. Still curious about Corbyn. "Nice to meet you all, you guys are so adorable!" I gushed. "Thanks!"

They all said in unison. We laughed and ate Chinese all night. I was telling embarrassing stories about Logan. Something was different though. Something.. felt different.

Like, in the inside. I was enjoying myself, which I haven't been able to emotionally and physically do lately. For the first time in awhile, I was truly happy...

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