I pulled up outside my house and sat in the car. I sighed . Raindrops started to fall on my window and I decided to run inside quickly. I unlocked the door and kicked off my wet shoes. Pulling off my jacket I walked into the living room. I turned the tv on and flicked to netflix, planning on watching sherlock for a while . Obviously , you cant watch a show without sweets so I walked to the kitchen . Turning the lights on I went to go fimd some chocolate but stopped. My blood ran cold and I screamed. Sat in my kitchen were two large figures. I screeched at the top of my voice and ran back into the living room. Or I would've made it to the living room if I wasnt grabbed and thrown on the floor.  Terrified , I kicked and shouted and used all my might to punch and hit the figure above me but it wasnt enough. The attacker dodged or caught my every hit with ease. The person pinned me to the floor an arm on each of mine , sitting on me . I screamed for help when another pair of hands flew to my mouth and muffled my screams. Unable to move or cry out I focused my vision onto my attackers. The first one who was sat on me was a guy with brown tufty hair and a sharp jawline that framed a pair of green eyes. The second guy had blueish greenish eyes and hair that was hanging over his face . Seconds passed and as I relaxed I became aware of my 'attackers' .
" YOU ABSOLUTE IDJITS !! What are you doing here?!?!" I shouted at my brothers Sam and Dean.
"Nicw to see you too Jessiecakes" Dean smirked.
"Although ,next time dont try to kill us" Sam added.
" Well you were sat in the dark in my kitchen. Who the fuck does that"
" Language Jess. And if you must know we wamted to surprise you."Sam said.
"Thats nice but could we possibly get up off the floor" I say.

We pull eachother of the floor, smile at eachothrr then pull into rhe biggest hug ever.
" I missed you boys. "
"we missed you too "
" Why are you here in beacon hills"
"you know ....  The Job... Hunting .. Shit like that "
" Yeah but why here"
"Dean and I believe that supernatural creatures could be here and that you could be in danger"
" oh yeah. Not because you wanted to see your sister you havent seen in years"
" well can we at least talk about this in the morning please? Its been a long day. "
"Sure. Well kip here on the couches. "

This confused me. Didnt they have their own place. Apparently not. I allowed them to sleep here anyway and went to bed.

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