The mint green fiat 500 pulled up at beacon hills.

There was a kbock on the passenger window and jessica turned to look at who it was. Stood there, hair messed up and wearing the usual plaid , was Stiles. Jess unloxked the car doors and Stiles scooted in the seat next to her.
"I need help."
"With what ? Are you okay?"
"Yes im fine." Stiles answered leaving jess confused.
" whats wrong"
"oh yeah. Well, you know lydia, yea"
" oh I see. You need me to help you with your girl problems" jess said smirking .
" Nooo....Yeah ."
" What did you do this time."
" well I decided cos you and Scott werent around I would go talk to lydia and "
"Hold on, what difference did it make that me and Scott werent there??" Jess asked confused.
" Its because of you too im not popular. Im a nerd by association ... But thats not the point.  I went to talk to lydia and I kinda sorta just stood there looking at her. I am an idiot ! I literally just stood there stumbling over my words like a freak !!!"

Jess couldn't help but laugh at her friend. He had been infatuated with Lydia Martin since as long as she knew him.
" Calm down Stiles. Its okay. Ill just go talk to her after first lesson."
"Okay . Thanks Jessie . This is why Scott is useless , he would just laugh at me."
" speaking of .." Jess trailed off ,hitting the boy around the head.
"ow what was that for"
" For yesterday . "
" okay fair enough"  stiles agreed.
"lets just get to class"
" yeah okay "

Jaessicas first lesson was chemistry with mr Harris. She groaned in annoyance when she arrived at his class. Stiles offered to work with jess as scott was ill so jess agreed.

Mr Harris opened the door and the students pushed past their teacher , wanting the hour to be over. Stiles and Jessica walked to the desk that is Normally occupied by Stiles and Scott while Jessica sits infront. They go to sit down but before they can Mr Harris' irritating voice cut through the air.

" Mr Stilinski, Miss Winchester you can not sit together after what happened last time."
Both teenagers snickered remembering the time they both landed in detention after pelting Mr Harris with paper aeroplanes.
" Miss Winchester , if you would sit in your normal seat please."

Jessica sighed and sat in her normal place infront of Stiles. The lesson started with Mr Harris taking the register, once that was done he moved to the large whiteboard that was currently covered in diagrams of science. Five minutes past when there was a knock on the door.
In walked  a boy with bronish hair that he had flixked out of his eyes. He wore a scarf over a jumper despite the hot ,summer weather. This made Jessica wonder if he could feel the heat which had made many take off jumpers. The boy said somethings to Mr Harris and the teacher nodded.
" well students this is the new pupil, Isaac Lahey. Mr Lahey will you introduce yourself please."
Jessica couldnt help but think that isaac suited the boy well.
"umm im Isaac and I uhh like lacrosse."
Some boys in the class rolled their eyes clearly thinking that Isaac must be terrible at sports. Others however looked up at the mention of lacrosse with a gleam in their eyes  .
"Mr Lahey you will be sitting next to Miss Winchester as her partner moved classes" Jessicas head turned at her name and waved slightly to Isaac offering him a friendly smile. Inside her head, thoughts were buzzing. She wouldnt let her life be a cliche : the cute boy joins her class, sits next to her and they end up in love. No jessica wouldnt let this happen .
Isaac came and sat next to her and flashed a smile that told Jess that he was shy but capable. Years of living around her brothers and father taught her many deducing tips.
However , jess did return the smile , introducing herself. As Mr Harris turned to continue his lesson, Jessica felt Stiles' hand whack her across the head. She turned and glared at him.
"Isaac this is Stiles Stilinski one of my two best friends. Please feel free to ignore him as he is quite an idjit."
Isaac chuckled and smiled at Stiles. Realising what Jess had said, he questioned her.
" What the hell is an idjit?"
"oh its just something my family has always said instead of idiot." jessica answered
" You're an idjit, I swear" stiles mumbled earning a glare from jessica and a chuckle from Isaac.
Soon their conversation was cut short by Mr Harris again.
" Miss Winchester, Mr Stilinski. I know that Scott isnt here but that is not an exception to talk even more than usual. And please the poor boy just got here , dont drag him into this." The teacher said in clear annoyance.
"Ye Stilinski , dont get Isaac into trouble." Jessica said smirking.
"Jess maybe you should  listen to sir more. Aimt that right sir." Stiles shot back.
"Well sir likes m more because I pay attention."
"Ye sure, and im the man on the moon"

The entire class was watching , they should be used to this now.
"Sir, they didnt do anything wrong. I mean they didnt hit eacheother or call you something like a jerkface asshole." Surprisingly , Isaac came to their aid. The class was shocked and silent.
" MR LAHEY. I DONT KNOW WHAT THE RULES WERE IN YOUR OLD SCHOOL BUT THAT TYPE OF LANGUAGE IS NEVER SAID TO A TEACHER AT THIS SCHOOL. " Mr harris said quite loud. He paused then carried on in a tone that was terrifyingly quiet  . " You will be joining your new friends in detention tonight afterschool."

Jessica tried to object as Isaac was new. "But.."
"And tomorrow "
" but sir it.."
" for the week. Now do you want it to be for the month."

No one said anything. The air was thick like a layer of smoke. The three students shook their heads, scared to say anything.

So, Stiles ,Jessica and Isaac all have detention for the week.

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