We wee on the plane and I was sitting in between Harry and Louis. Than in front of us was Niall, McKenna and Liam. Then in front of them was Zayn with all 3 seats to himself to sleep. It was a 10 hour flight. Sitting in between 2 boys that never shut up was a bad idea. The only time that I got to sleep was when Harry and Louis fell asleep and that only lasted for an hour at a time. When Zayn only woke up to eat. Then there was Niall and McKenna who were constantly all over each other. Which really bothered me. I'm not jealous or anything just still mad, because she doesn't even seem to care that she hurt me. Harry saw me staring at them and said, "Babe. don't even worry about them. They will know when to stop when something happens."

"But then it will be to late."

"What will be to late?" Louis woke up saying.

'I'll talk to you later about it Lou."

"Alright, well I'm going back to sleep. Night."


"It's not going to be to late, and if it is then that is their fault. You told her about it and that's all you can do." Harry said.


     We finally landed and went to Harry's real flat. Not just some hotel room that they stay in. I went straight up to Harry's room and fell asleep. About an hour later I felt Harry crawl into bed with me. I moved closer to him and then i fell asleep.

     I woke up and saw that I had on different clothing. Harry changed me. How sweet. But when i rolled over I noticed that Harry wasn't there. So, I got up and went down stairs. I checked all the rooms, even the bathroom and he wasn't in any of them. Then i went to check in Louis' room. He wasn't there either. I woke Louis up. "Louis, where's Harry?"

"I don't know. Why?"

"Because I cant find him. He wasn't in bed when I woke up."

"Uh, I don't know. The last time that I saw him, was when he went up to bed with you."

"Well then call him, Lou!"

"Okay, okay. Calm down."



RI- "Hello?"

"Harry, where are you?"


"Because I cant find you!"


"Yeah, so where are you?"

"I cant tell you that."


"Because I have a reason."

"Harry, come on!"

"Harry who is that?" a girl in the back round asked.

"Harry, who the hell are you with?"


"No you're not, because Kyra is sitting right next me me."


"Harry come home now! You made Kyra cry, I hope that you are happy now!"

"No I'm not okay? I'm at the store, god! I was planning on making Kyra breakfast in bed to show how much I care about her. Then i went to check out and the cashier is a fan....but honestly shes really annoying and noisy." he whispered.



"Uh, yeah sorry. Just come home now!"

"Alright, Ill be there in about 10 minutes."

"Okay, bye."


"Lou, where is Harry?" I asked.

"He's over with the other lads. He will be home in 10 minutes."


"Yeah, so go back to sleep."

"I can't."


"Because Harry always comforts me until I fall asleep."

"Oh, well he told me to tell you to go back to bed, so can you try? For me? For Harry?"

"Uh, I'll try."

"Thanks love."

"Yep. Night Lou."

"Goodnight Kyra."

     I went into Harry's room and layed in bed. I couldn't fall asleep, but I didn't want to bother Louis again, so i just layed there. I heard Harry coming up the steps, so I quick pretended to be sleeping. harry came in bed and put his arm around me. Louis probably told him what I said. I rolled over and kissed him. He kissed me back and then I fell asleep.


So, what do you think? I think my chapters are getting better and more detailed. I enjoy writing them, so I hope you enjoy reading them. Tell me what you think should happen between Harry and Kyra. Should they go out or just stay the way that they are now?

-Kyra xx

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