"What is it?"

"He's awake!" She screeched down the phone. I immediately jumped up.

"Swear down?"

"Get down here, what you waiting for?!” My smile widened into an all-knowing grin. I was  in shock.

"Alright,” I locked off and immediately got my Nike trainers and jacket on. I grabbed my oyster and the spare keys that were cut for me before hastily leaving through the front door and slamming it behind me.


I beamed down the road merrily. The warm summer breeze brushed my face as I jogged to the bus stop and boarded the bus that was already there luckily enough. I sat there peering out the window with the biggest smile on my face. He’s awake nigga’s! I then retrieved my phone and texted Tanisha.

He’s awake now.

You were sayin?

I pressed send and laughed to myself. I knew having faith would pay off. God wasn’t harsh on him after-all. I just couldn’t wait to see him. I tapped my foot impatiently as I got nearer and nearer to the hospital. Eventually I got off and I hastily clambered off and sped-walked to the hospital. I accidentally brushed passed a few people along the way. Okay, not brushed – I barged. I was so glad that I didn’t even give 2 shits. I got into the hospital and ran passed the reception. I already knew where it was, I didn’t wanna waste any time. As I got there, I saw almost everyone stood outside the ward chatting amongst themselves. I advanced towards them, causing them to all turn to me and smile. All the girls were here; Kamillah, Stephany, Michelle and Kyra.

"Sha'riah!" They all bellowed in unison. They all hugged me at the same time and I laughed. I had missed these lot, last time I saw them, we had argued at school. I had put that behind me now, and it was evident that they did aswell.

“How’ve you been? I had no idea you was back.” Kyra said astonished. I shrugged.

“It hasn’t been too long. I missed London though,” I said truthfully. Stephany smiled. “Who’s in there?" I questioned, pointing to the closed door.

"All the mandem," Michelle said as she rolled her eyes. I kissed my teeth, figures.

"Did you lot already see him?" They all nodded.

"When they come back out, we're leaving," Kyra informed. I nodded slowly. "How was Liverpool though?" She questioned.

"Shit. I’m never going back." I replied blankly. They all laughed like I was joking. I shrugged and took a seat by the water dispenser. The adrenaline rush had gone since I haven’t had the chance to see Marcus yet, now I was growing impatient. It was still good to see these lot again though. "How've you lot been?" I questioned. Michelle shrugged.

“Cool, but school's dead." She explained.

"And there’s some new girl in our form called Apnaa or some shit like that, she's been starting fights with the wrong people," I raised an eyebrow at Stephany.

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"She’s already had a fight with half the girls in our year." Kyra added.

“She has anger management issues that’s why.” Kam pointed out.

“Don’t blame her. If I had that name I’d be vex too,” we all laughed at Stephany.

"Last week her and Michelle had a fight and she got knocked the fuck out!" Kyra started laughing as Michelle screwed.

“She thought she was bad though. Bitch.” I started creasing at her facial expression. This is what I missed; having jokes with my bredrins. But i was beginning to grow even more impatient. Not being rude, but I didn’t come all the way down here for these lot, I came for Marcus. Just then the door opened, and all the mandem came out; Michael, Tyrone, Marik, Lewis, even Bent-Foot-Robert foot that had kicked the ball over the fence that time. They all noticed I was sat there and their eyes widened.

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